■ InterviewAnd contemporary might of hero is born difficult era
- Instead of the table back. There has appeared the figure of truth of athletes
- Like to take take smell of football in addition to the pitch (laughs)
- Run around the pitch scene representing the football than the player

■ profileきしもとつよしさん。スポーツフォトグラファー(フォート・キシモト所属)。高校卒業後、89年からスペインバルセロナで語学を学び、カナダへ。94年にオーストラリアに移った頃から本格的に写真を撮り始める。96年、再びスペインへ。アトランタオリンピックやフランスW杯を取材。その後、活動の拠点をコスタリカに移す。W杯日韓大会取材後はベルギーを拠点とし、アトランタオリンピックやフランスW杯を撮影。05年に帰国後、トリノオリンピックやW杯ドイツ大会など、精力的に撮影を続ける。07年6月、『選手のいない写真集 '06 GERMANY』を発刊。

スポーツ選手や俳優をはじめ、昭和30〜40年代のヒーロー・ヒロインのポートレイトを集めた写真展が東京都写真美術館で開催されています。高度成長期のパワフルな世相を象徴するヒーロー・ヒロインが集結したこの写真展を見るのは、スポーツフォトグラファーの岸本剛さん。06年ドイツW杯を舞台にした写真集『選手のいない写真集 '06 GERMANY』で、“ヒーロー”を写さずにサッカーを表現した岸本さんは、この写真展をどのようにご覧になるのでしょうか。
Hyundai might hero is born difficult era

- Please tell us your impressions saw the photo exhibition.

It was a chance to rethink the existence of the "hero". In this time and the now, I'm completely different implications of the word hero. For example, although the bat of Sadaharu O There was a photo taken of the moment to catch the ball, "Oh, this person is really era Do not I was the hero of" when I saw it I thought anew me. So, right now, you are a hero, such as comparable to the king's I'm not be someone with the matter are Once ── answer. Ichiro? Nakata? It a little different. If geared to football, only, Kazu's just might be a little closer. In the even of Japan representative game now, wearing a uniform that says "11 KAZU", I think you have many supporters who thinks seriously and "Come back." Although around that I feel the star power to call a hero, but after all, different from the king's.

- What would be that has become the star it is hard born by now.

Maybe so. To do this, it may be related is that it is no longer the era become a hero only in a single story. Maybe you became a home run king continues to pretend the bat's king until the tatami is abraded, Yasuhiro Yamashita of judo Maybe it won the gold medal won in Rashuwan in the state of wounded, reportedly success story by steady effort and guts but it is not got to be a hero is. But in now, whether such because there is largely due to the effect of the media, not be a hero be presented to one of the story. Instead, the so-called celebrities Will has increased considerably compared to the old days, but I feel that the also the boundary between the celebrity and national star has become ambiguous.

Back instead of a table. There has appeared the figure of truth of athletes

- Or the point of view as a photographer, you have what impressions.

Speaking Technically, the sensitivity is low age of the film, only of a moving subject has been well represented in it, I thought it was amazing tricks. Indeed Naa's photographer who represent the era. Any photographs, there is a tremendous presence, it was a role model composition of the cavalcade of. Nakaniwa, but photos that felt "there? Myself of taking photos and to Do Similar" and there were some, I'm sure, also there will be the surface undergoing unconsciously influence from old photos.

- Did you have work that seems want to take this kind of photo.

From the eyes down pat of the portrait, and Do a photo interesting as took hid everyday gestures and facial expressions, I was think again. And from my personality, for example, a place Kosei Inoue judo than the scene that are willing to set a gold medal in the Olympic podium, which in close contact with the practice and private life of Inoue, struggling suffering in order to become stronger I'm want to take. Back instead of a table. Only in such a place, I think the people of the truth has appeared.

"" Showa "1945-1989 the second part of the photo," hero-heroine of the age. ' "Exhibition

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