Society faction documentary era request

From November 10, documentary film that cast a problem for the environment and the eating habits of the way around the "food""How to eat life"ButTheatre Image ForumIn is published. Currently, is not constantly reports about the safety of "food", such as impersonation of origin and expiration date in Japan, but this movie is me Notify me of reality that are not reported from such everyday television. War crimes and medical issues, freedom of speech, etc., highlight the modern society's problems in a variety of cuts, to introduce the documentary work of "community school".

The latest renowned Michael Moore as a social faction documentary director"Sicko"In pick-up theme is the American medical problem. Up to now, such as gun society facing the correspondence and contradictions of the Bush administration after the terrorist attacks, it has been dealing with a unique humor serious issues surrounding the United States. In addition, the pursuit of war crimes, followed the activities of the United Nations prosecutor to judge at the international court"List of Carla.", To introduce the life of Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize"Mother Teresa Memorial"From it will be recognized for not eliminate war and peace be questioned. Approaching the freedom of speech and the limits of the broadcasting industry in the provocative title"FUCK"Such as, these documentary film is the is made, it might be such because there is silence of the request from the society. Currently, in order to know that there are a variety of social issues in the world, the significance of that these works will be screened is large.

Eat of life the way
Screening Location:
Theatre Image Forum
Screening period:
directed by:
Nicolaus Geiharuta
Japanese meat (beef, pork, poultry) is approximately 3 million tons eat in one year. A huge amount of meat that everyone has to eat on a daily basis. But, first place livestock to become the meat, where born, how was raised, probably lined up in the shop is packed into how pack? This work, a documentary depicting a number of site that spawned the "food" can not be separated with such our raw. To promote food of people from all over the world, as well as vegetables and fruits, the actual situation of modern society is not forced to production and management by large-scale mechanization even livestock and fish, Nicolaus Geiharuta coach of Austria is approximately I interviewed, taken over a period of two years.

Japan disguise of "such as the expiration date and the production area," food "has disturbed the world. Again, we really, do you know that the food? Would quickly judge a fish machine, pool If you think that it is gluttonous a lot of apple etc .... myself floating in full, even loss of food production site of not modern has drawn by far one meal. This is another, rather than a movie commenting, a must-see as a "human" documentary. I'm sure, I think you can see the sights, such as surprise of. "(Espace Salou / Saito)

From the movie "life of eating type"

© 2007 Dog Eat Dog Films, Inc.

Screening Location:
Euro Space
Screening period:
directed by:
Michael Moore
Out Starring:
Michael Moore Other
Why now, health insurance system that's either. Audience who live in other than the United States is not surprising that I feel so. Surprisingly, not only, there is a national health system of government management that can join anyone in the developed countries to the United States, has been entrusted to all health insurance is private insurance companies. Increase the profit margin, maximum priority they are to please the shareholders, even if the insured person is sick, you try to Sumaseyo not as much as possible to use the money. Now in the United States, accident, crime, terrorism, not a war, it is overwhelmingly prefer the number of people who lose their lives because they can not pay the cost of treatment. Probably had Why become such a thing?

「今までとは違う映画を作りたかった。8年前にすい臓移植を必要とする男性のTVドキュメンタリーを作ることで、彼に保険金がおりて命を救うことが出来たんだ。『同じことを映画でやったら、もっと多くの人の命を救うことができるのではないか・・・』と、それがきっかけだった。でも『シッコ』の撮影中は精神的に辛かった。なにせ、どんどん目の前の人が治療費を払えずに死んでいくのだから・・・。だから本作では、この問題は他人事ではない、立ち上がらなければならない、と思える作品にしたかったんだ。」 ―マイケル・ムーア(5/19 記者会見 カンヌにて)

From the movie "Sicko"

List of Carla
Screening Location:
Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography-UPLINK X
Screening period:
2007年11月10日〜30日(東京都写真美術館)・2007年11月19日、26日(UPLINK X)
directed by:
Marcel Shupubahha
Out Starring:
Carla Del Ponte Other
The maximum of the victims innocent children and women of war. Wishes of mothers family were left killed by the happened massacre in the former Yugoslavia conflict that receive the judgment of the war criminals is law. UN prosecutor Carla is, every day to search for war criminals that are hidden somewhere in the world. But the results are also parties to harbor war criminals are poor. Carla was the of going in search of information of war criminals to the United States Department of Defense (Pentagon).

「500万ドルの懸賞金が賭けられた旧ユーゴ紛争の戦争犯罪人たち。彼らを追うのは世界で最も厳重なボディーガードに守られた女性、国連検察官カルラ・デル・ポンテ。専用ジェット機で世界を飛び回り、犯人逮捕のため国家首脳と交渉を行う。しかし、それを拒むのは集団虐殺の戦犯だと知っていても彼らを逮捕しない当事国セルビア政府。カメラは世界で始めて国際刑事法廷に入りその"国際正義" を貫く彼女の活動をスリリングに描き出す。」(アップリンク/今城さん)

From the movie "list of Carla."

© 1986 Petrie Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.

Mother Teresa Memorial
Screening Location:
Screening period:
directed by:
Anne Petore, Janet Petore
Out Starring:
Richard Attenborough (narration)
Most respected woman in the world, showing the two Mother Teresa of documentary film. "Mother be derived from the" digital reprint, "Mother person of words" is a documentary film by such words and the words take over the person our testimony that her own talk.

『母なることの由来』 :本ドキュメンタリーは1986年アメリカで制作され、1988年日本初公開となった「マザー・テレサ ─母なることの由来─」のデジタル復刻版。ニューヨーク、カルカッタ、レバノン…5年間にわたり10ヶ国での精力的な活動を記録し、同時に、ごく平凡な家庭に生まれた彼女の生い立ちからここに至るまでの経過を、克明に描いてゆく。

"Mother people of Words": during his lifetime to the recorded Mother Teresa himself of interview footage, and 1997 documentary of Japan for the first time that patterns of a grand state funeral has been the Journal. Words of teaching, such as the eye-popping from her, which is said to be "true saint" is being talked about by itself. In addition, by the nuns of the entourage and it is analyzed from the points of mother, word of her last actions and issues that were up close to death, and his mother came to an instant house, such as Calcutta of the state are told to clear.
Screening Location:
Theater N Shibuya
Screening period:
directed by:
Steve Anderson
Out Starring:
Alanis Morissette, Chuck D, Ice -T, Hunter · S · Thompson, Kevin Smith, Ron Jeremy, Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, Howard Stern, George · W · Bush

保守化するブッシュ政権、9.11後の過剰な自主規制ムードの中、ある日、スティーヴ・アンダーソン監督は、今のアメリカにぴったりのアイデアを思いついた。"Fワード"とは、悪名高き罵り言葉の王様。おなじみの放送禁止用語。4文字言葉"FUCK"である。 この言葉を題材にすることで、「言論の自由」や「検閲」という、今の時代に実に重要な問題に迫りえると考えたアンダーソンは、35名の様々な分野の人物に「この言葉が意味するものは?」「なぜ放送禁止用語なの?」と自らカメラを回して果敢にインタビュー。さらに驚きの資料映像を大量に掘り起こし、この究極の罵り言葉を徹底研究。アメリカ民主主義の根幹たる「言論の自由」に迫る、超過激でユーモアあふれるドキュメンタリー。

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