Recommendation this week, culture that editing room to recommendation

CurrentShineparesuIn in public"Promise of dogs and my 10"In, "socks" of the Golden Retriever is, as the hero of a pet, who plays one of the main cast (animals) brilliantly. One of the reasons that the dog many are kept as pets, the dog may be mentioned is that it is easy to animals that build the master-slave relationship with the owner. "Dominant deliver a letter to the" or scene, the movement, such as "over there facing with Hui" scene, as Magou seen as how to understand the intent of the screenplay, a dutifully with exquisite timing, "socks", movie involuntarily spill smile in the mansion.

Also,Image ForumIn in public"Cat's whisker"Is a work that involved was carefully painted the center to people and the people of the cohabitation life men and women, "the camera work in the cat's point of view is, as if watching the men and women of the hero," and, "Cat beard ", which is a Iwabuchi's words of Uzumasa to perform the distribution. Fixed position of "Shinnosuke" of such a Russian Blue is, on the lower of the low table or TV. "Always, but I have been rounded lingered casually in Hajikko, jump from the television show from time to time to a low table or the floor, is really beautiful" (same). Without permission it appears to be there, in fact, the appearance of "Shinnosuke" watch firmly owner, cat unique charm is overflowing.

A good-natured and obedient "socks", whim to put on airs the onlooker "Shinnosuke". Although the role of both in the movie completely different, looks come facial expressions, both dear love. Which is your favorite?
In addition the only movie to be trivial not dog school-cat faction tired, which is good news. Photo specialty galleryNADARIn, until April 26, it can be viewed cats work of eight photographers who love cats"Cat Exhibition"It has been held, the next April 27,Yoyogi parkAt"Doggie Festival"Which will also be held. "Doggie Festival" is, there is also a possible participation plan with one's dog if the applicant. The only chance weekend either of events now. Now, set the dog school also cat faction also to Shibuya!

© 2008 "10 Promises to My Dog" Film Partners

10 Promises to My Dog
Shibuya Shineparesu
Holding period:
directed by:
Katsuhide Motoki
Out Starring:
Rena Tanaka Ryo Kase Mayuko Fukuda Chizuru Ikewaki Etsushi Toyokawa Reiko Takashima Akira Fuse

Inspiring work to draw the love and bonds of dog socks and girls
The play the lights were adults,"Country of Machisakura of Yunagi"Rena Tanaka. The lights of the childhood friend Susumu,"Letters from Iwo Jima","I just did not do it."Young individualistic actor, Ryo Kase. The lights of the mother, Fumiko is, Reiko Takashima leave a glamorous presence on the screen. And, the father, Yuichi from serious Yakudotoro up comedy, Etsushi Toyokawa, which is highly valued in a wide range of performance is comedy.

© 2008 "10 Promises to My Dog" Film Partners

© "cat whiskers" Production Committee

Beard of cat
Theater Image Forum
Holding period:
directed by:
Yajo Junichi
Out Starring:
Makiko Watanabe Eiji Oshiro Takashi Nishina Yukijirō Hotaru Kawakami Tomoko Fujita Sato Moromorooka Maiko Mitsugisan Takashi Matsuyama

風景が物語を紡ぎ出す。狭い路地、短い階段、日向ぼっこをしている猫。 世田谷の松原にはそんな風景が残っている。 この地を舞台に、失われつつある人の心の温かさ、母親への思い、 子を思う親の思い、愛する人を大切に思う気持ちが丁寧に描かれる。
The starring actress,"The Mourning Forest"(2007 / Naomi Kawase), in the "feeling of love" (2007 / Masahiro Kobayashi), Makiko Watanabe, who played a starring a quasi-starring, respectively. The lead actor, Eiji Oshiro Gaketa also produced and screenplay of this work. Takashi Nishina to a Friend watch gently them, Yukijirō Hotaru, Tomoko Fujita. Takeo Nakahara two people of family and relatives, Toshie Negishi, Maiko Kawakami, Haruko Mabuchi et al are dressed.

© "cat whiskers" Production Committee

Doggie Festival
Yoyogi park
Holding period:
4月27日10:00〜18:00 雨天決行
Organized by:
Yoyogi Park dog balancer Porters club

代々木公園のドックランスペースを、ボランティアで運営しているグループ、「ドッグランサポーターズクラブ」が、ドッグラン設立1周年を記念して開催する。 イベント会場は代々木公園のケヤキ並木エリアとレンタルサイクル受付にほど近いドッグランエリアとの2会場に分かれており、それぞれで、飼い犬と一緒に遊べるイベントが盛りだくさんに用意されている。

Photo: left = mig.d, right = Ueda HanaSaiko

Cat Exhibition
NADAR / Shibuya 355
Holding period:
* The last day until 4:00 PM

撮った事ないとは言わせんませんよ。じぶんちの猫。街角で出会う猫。実に絵になるかわいくて、憎いやつですよね。ギャラリーに飾ってみるとまた違って見えます。猫の写真って、バカに出来ません。ちゃんと見てください。そこには、いろんな人生模様(猫模様!?)や街の空気が写っていたりしますよ。 と言う事で、猫好き8人が展示をします。
参加者:秋山紀子、植田華菜子、しかのみえ、鹿野直史、高橋美加子、 永田早苗、mig.d、ももいまゆこ

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