Recommendation this week, culture that editing room to recommendation

New adult is approximately 1.33 million people across the country in 2009. Got "adult" likeness, but you want to celebrate as a growth, on the other hand, directing the eye to the lost "children" heart is difficult?
One of such respectable adults I was also already passed many years after the "adult". This time, from among the works to be screened at Shibuya, was looking for a movie that comes out "child". Sense of those days that has been forgotten, was full of various scenes.

© 2008Groupe Deux

Shibuya Theater TSUTAYASo, from January 24,"Children who dream of a jockey."It screened in. This work, a documentary that followed the children who go to France only jockey-stabler training boarding school "Le Moulin na Von". Children of "Le Moulin na Von" is, in three years, to the excellent child jockeys, and the other children will receive a professional education to become stabler. This work, recorded over September 2006, the children were enrolled in school at the age of 14 to 10 months. In Sakuchu, a child receives a high evaluation to the trainers, some child is obsessed by the girl, also a child can not manipulate well the horse with fear. Such they are, to take care of the horses out to the stables in the morning at 5:00, while doing a tough horse riding training, deepen the relationship of trust with the horse over a year. And test test. Among the 30 children who gathered dreamed of participating in the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, a handful of the chosen who is the Yurusaru the ride. However, regardless of the test, the body of all of the children, are equipped with strong muscle.

2008 / France / 98 min / distribution: CK Entertainment / © 2008Groupe Deux

Children who dream of a jockey
Screening Location:
Shibuya Theater TSUTAYA
Screening period:
12: 10/14: 15/16: 30
/ 18:45
※ 2/7 (Saturday) or later, there is a possibility of change in the schedule.
directed by:
Benjamin Marche
Out Starring:
Steve, Burabian, Florian, Taketoyo

© 2008Groupe Deux

© 2008 "Children of Darkness" movie Production Committee

CurrentShibuya TOEI1It has been re-imaged at"Children of the Dark"Are dealing Thailand of organ trade, the "reality that want to avert your eyes," that child prostitution problem from the front. It only works of fiction, but, for the sake of money their children the figure of some Thais to human trafficking, is aligned with the appearance of some Japanese to gain good money for their children's heart transplant, of children those who remember the shock to much of the disparity of the grow environment will also not a few.
From January 31, 2008,Euro SpaceIt declined to publish in『空とコムローイ 〜タイ、コンティップ村の子どもたち〜』Documentary, that while eye to the problem of the same type of human trafficking, were recorded over the hill tribe Akha of Thailand for seven years. Akha, which once had been sent a self-sufficient life in the slash-and-burn, the current slash-and-burn is prohibited.

© tristellofilms

While the environment, such as roads and electricity are complete, women and children have been exposed to the fear of drugs and human trafficking for the purpose of poverty. Thai woman Noi and Mr. Pensa Father of man Italy, in the city of Thailand northern end, to protect themselves from human trafficking, which operates the facility to raise the child with no relatives. The Sakuchu, girl file the advent who lost a mother to AIDS at the time of the 2-year-old. Was a 2-year-old she is looking for a mother to not accept the death of her mother, she became a 9-year-old start the preparation of the mind toward self-reliance while attending elementary school.
Junko Miura, who directed this work is, eight years have been busy working as a company employee before, chance to look at individual children "that are just alive, I realized the thing irreplaceable" called. Shouldering the dark past, while surrender to fleeting peace, work helping each other, playing the lush appearance of children are impressive works.

2008 / Japan / 138 minutes / PG-12 / Distributor: Go Cinema / © 2008 movie "darkness of the children" Production Committee

Children of the Dark
Screening Location:
Shibuya TOEI1
Screening period:
18: 40
directed by:
Junji Sakamoto
Out Starring:
Yosuke Eguchi, Aoi Miyazaki, Tsumabuki Satoshi, Koichi Sato, Sawa Suzuki, Kosuke Toyohara, Purapadon Swan burn, primer Ratchata

2008 / Japan / 90 min / Distributor: Pandora / © tristellofilms

空とコムローイ 〜タイ、コンティップ村の子どもたち〜
Screening Location:
Euro Space
Screening period:
directed by:
Junko Miura

Than "The Spirit of the Beehive" 1973/99 minutes

In addition, sameEuro Space1973 public works in the retrospective at"The Spirit of the Beehive"は、スペインの映画監督ビクトル・エリセの長編第1作。舞台は内戦終結直後の1940年スペイン。巡回映写で映画「フランケンシュタイン」を見た少女アナが、姉イザベルに、フランケンシュタインは実際に村のはずれの一軒家に隠れていると聞いて、その話を信じ込む、というストーリーだ。妹に嘘を教えて遊ぶ9歳のイザベルと、姉の言葉を信じ込む6歳のアナ。そしてとうとう、アナは井戸のある家でフランケンシュタインを発見する。 一見リアリティのない設定なのに、圧倒的な説得力で見るものを動揺させる本作。それは、アナの真っ黒で大きな瞳が、まるで真実を探し出すかのように、あまりにもまっすぐに前を見据えているせいだ。頭の中でどれだけ論理的な言い訳を並べようとも、強く「信じる」ということ以上に説得力を持つことはない。アナの瞳を観ていると、子供だった自分が「信じる」気持ちを忘れ「虚構」を「現実」と打算的に区別して生きて行くようになったのは一体いつ頃だったのか、思いを馳せずはいられない。

1983 than "El Sur" / 95 minutes

The Spirit of the Beehive / El Sur
Screening Location:
Euro Space
Screening period:
"The Spirit of the Beehive" 12: 20/16: 40
"El Sur" 14: 30/18: 50
"El Sur" 12: 20/16: 40
"The Spirit of the Beehive" 14: 30/18: 50
"The Spirit of the Beehive" 21:00
"El Sur" 21:00
directed by:
Victor Erice

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