Recommendation this week, culture that editing room to recommendation

New Year of 2011, overlapping the weekend, would be larger society who will end a hectic winter break. Pains of long vacation, while kneading the plan to meaningfully spend, what is experience that would finish with rumble on after all who lies to everyone. Also it is important to heal the fatigue of the body to do so, of course, but the taste is diverse view of the world that spread to his outside "travel" is a nutritional supplement that will to restore the fatigue of head that had been closed by the day-to-day life.
Pick up three film screenings held on the theme of "country" this time. Screening that burn out the contradiction of modern America, screenings are fascinated by the Italian sensibility, and Screening approaching the way of life of women in the country of Japan, to start at once in Shibuya from December 25 days of Christmas.
Extend the legs to worship the way back to the Meiji Shrine, modest Shibuya travel experience of taste, you want to go to which country?

Shibutabi × Modern American

Realistic! Unpublished Film Festival
Holding period
directed by
"Jesus Camp"
Heidi Ewing, Rachel Grady
"The Search for Bin Laden!"
Morgan Spurlock
"Steroid United States."
Chris Bell other

Realistic! Unpublished Film Festival


In the Uplink Factory, once the public politics, religion, race, education, overseas documentary 9 installment of Japan unpublished was such as to subject business.
TOKYO MXの人気番組「松嶋×町山 未公開映画を観るTV」のスピンオフ企画で、選者は米在住の映画評論家・町山智浩さん。上映するのは、ビッグマックを食べ続けて話題を呼んだ『スーパーサイズ・ミー』の監督モーガン・スパーロックが、「オサマ・ビン・ラディンはどこにいるんだろう?」と質問しながらイスラム諸国を駆け回る『ビン・ラディンを探せ!』、アメリカの病院や医療保険に見られる金儲けのための出産ビジネスに迫る『ビーイング・ボーン』、ステロイドを使った筋肉増強の光と闇を示した『ステロイド合衆国』など。 雑誌やラジオでアメリカ映画・テレビなどをいち早く日本に紹介してきた町山さんが選ぶ未公開作品群には、アメリカのどんな姿が映しだされているのだろうか?

Shibutabi × Italy History

Country series masterpiece election 1 Italy Hen of movie
Theatre Image Forum
Holding period
directed by
"Assassination of the Forest"
Bernardo Bertolucci
"The Clowns"
Federico Fellini
"General della Rovere"
Roberto Rossellini

Country series masterpiece election 1 Italy Hen of movie

"General della Rovere"

From December 25 in the Theater Image Forum, featuring screenings a masterpiece of three name coach to remain in Italy film history.
企画は映画史上の名作500タイトル以上を擁する紀伊国屋レーベル。 上映されるのは、イタリア映画にリアリズムを持ち込んだ第一人者とも言われるロベルト・ロッセリーニ監督がベネチア映画祭でグランプリを受賞した『ロベレ将軍』(1959年)、巨大なセット撮影を駆使して人工美の世界を構築したフェデリコ・フェリー二監督の『フェリーニの道化師』(1970年)、坂本龍一が音楽を担当したことでも知られる『ラスト・エンペラー』のベルナルド・ベルトルッチ監督が、「道化師」と同年に撮り上げた出世作『暗殺の森』(1970年)の3本。 ともにイタリアを代表する3世代の監督の作風の違いから、イタリアが歩んだ時代の流れを感じ取りたい。

Shibutabi × Japanese woman of beauty

Kenji Mizoguchi Kessakusen
Shinemavera Shibuya
Holding period
directed by
"Field poppy (16mm screenings)," "The Life of Oharu," "of Taki Shiraito (16mm screenings)," "Love 怨峡 (16mm screenings)," "The Story of the Last Chrysanthemums" "Genroku Chushingura before Hen," "Genroku Chushingura after the hen," "night women, "" Portrait of Madame Yuki, "" Miss Oyu, "" the Lady of Musashino, "" Tales of Moonlight and Rain, "" a Geisha "," Sansho the Bailiff, "" rumor of the woman, "" the Crucified Lovers, "" poppy "," red Light District "

Kenji Mizoguchi Kessakusen


From December 25 in Shinemavera Shibuya, Akira Kurosawa, the three major Japanese film director Kenji Mizoguchi, along with Ozu is to publish in one fell swoop the 18 installment took the megaphone. Mizoguchi Director 1893 Asakusa born. Was a movie a classic literature, "The Crucified Lovers" (1954) "Tales of Moonlight and Rain" (1953) is known for, its own pursued realism to the actors and stage such as the one-scene-one cut production is at home and abroad He left a tremendous impact on coaches. On the other hand, Osaka New World was on the stage, "the night of the Women" (1948), such as the Yoshihara was in the play "Red Light District", the bittersweet of not exposed women of the same age to work in the world of the day , also works captured by the relentless gaze. While overlooking the wide range of work groups, want intoxicated in the beautiful appearance of a Japanese woman who survived stretch of the wide variety of environments.

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