Recommendation this week, culture that editing room to recommendation

11月前半のリコメンドコーナーでは、渋谷ヒカリエ「8/」内で実施される展示・イベントからおすすめ企画をピックアップして紹介します。 「ART GALLERY」では東京オペラシティアートギャラリーでの大規模個展にあわせて、写真家・篠山紀信さんの60年代の作品群を展示します。「CUBE 1,2,3」では11月16日からスタートする代官山アートフロントギャラリーでの個展に先立ち、アーティスト・大岩オスカールさんの絵画展を実施。全国47都道府県を紹介する「d47 MUSEUM」の今回の企画は、「グッドデザイン賞」が切り口になっています。
"8 /" from the gallery up around the country in November, which was aggregated "current interest" in Tokyo. As an entrance to discover the information collection and new writers and regions before going out, I think fun is also to try round about the eighth floor of the floor Hikarie?

8/201211 × photo

Sasayama KinoShinten
Shibuya Hikarie "8 /" Inside "ART GALLERY"
Holding period
Holding time
Admission fee
Kishin Shinoyama

Sasayama KinoShinten

篠山紀信©Kihain Shinoyama,Twin 1969

芸術か否かという問題の上に、写真はあるーー。そう断言し、常に第一線で活躍してきた篠山の国内美術館初の大規模個展「篠山紀信展写真力 THE PEOPLE by KISHIN」(東京オペラシティアートギャラリー、10月3日〜12月24日)にあわせ、60年代の写真集「The Sixties by Kishin」の作品を紹介します。

8/201210 × painting

Oscar Oiwa over Traveling Light
Shibuya Hikarie "8 /" in "CUBE 1, 2, 3"
Holding period
Holding time
Admission fee
Organized by
Art Front Gallery

Oscar Oiwa over Traveling Light

Oscar Oiwa chalana 2012 oil on canvas 61 × 91.5cm

Oiwa is a solo exhibition of Oskar. Now I live in NY, but the downtown of storage and Tokyo, draw and sea reminiscent of the earthquake and tsunami in the smooth touch to the big screen. This time, the exhibition than 16 days in Daikanyama Art Front Gallery (gold). In COURT 11 May 14 (Wednesday), do the artists talk.

8/201210 × design

47 GOOD DESIGN - 47 prefectures of the Good Design Award -
Shibuya Hikarie "8 /" Inside "d47 MUSEUM"
Holding period
Holding time
Admission fee

47 GOOD DESIGN - 47 prefectures of the Good Design Award -

Cooperation: Foundation Japan Institute of Design Promotion

In recent years, from such as industrial products and buildings that has been awarded the "Good Design Award", selected a design that combines the regional characteristics and the "land-ness that" in each prefecture, on top of the exhibition stand of 90 cm square exhibition. High technology in Japan, the region of individuality, collected from Japan of the personality of the company 47, by introduction in the exhibition format, will be in the exhibition to feel the power of Japanese industry and design.

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