Look down the MAP × SHIBUYA Shibuya in various layers.

To create a "purpose-specific map," according to the various cut-theme, you will discover the "Shibuya of appeal" in the sense that view from the sky.

The theme

# Until the beaten path hidden from 07 famous power spot! Collectively introduction!

早いもので2014年も余すところ残り僅か。今年一年があまり良い年でなかったという人も、来年は起死回生、運気アップに期待を寄せている人もきっと多いことだろう。パワースポットといえば、明治神宮内の「清正井(きよまさのいど)」は、行列が出来るほど全国的に知られる渋谷の人気スポットだ。毎年、明治神宮には三が日だけで300万人以上が初詣に訪れ、例年全国第一位の参拝者を誇っている。300万人300万通りの願い事が託され、さぞ神様も大忙しに違いない。さて、渋谷の街には明治神宮を中心に、渋谷の街は「神南」「神山町」「代々木神園町」「神泉」など、「神」の付く地名で形成される。もちろん、住居表示の実施に伴う町名整理により、この40年くらいの間に名称変更されたものも多いが、この半世紀の渋谷の街の著しい発展や情報発信性を考えると、何やら神々の守護による強い運気が影響しているのではないか、と勝手な想像が膨らんでしまう。 そこで今回の「マップ×シブヤ」では、そんなパワーがあふれる渋谷の中でも、特に古くからジンクスのある神社や歴史的にゆかりのあるスポットなど、様々な想いの集まる「パワースポット」を集めてみました。来年こそは心機一転、渋谷が持つパワーの恩恵に授かりたいと思っている人は、ぜひパワースポットに足を運んでみてはいかがだろう。きっと気持ちを後押ししてくれるキッカケとなるはずだ!

This attention

  • 1. Kiyomasai (Meiji Shrine)

    渋谷でNo1と目されるパワースポット。加藤清正が掘ったと伝えられ、1年中絶えず毎分60リット ルもの水が湧くという。水が心身を清めてくれるかも

    Address: Shibuya-ku, Yoyogikamizono-cho, 1-1
    Walk: North approach Station walk 13 minutes

  • 2. Sarugaku ancient dwellings park

    弥生時代の古代住居があった場所。古代人は風水的に優れた場所に居を構えていたと言われ、 よい気の集まるパワースポットになっているとか

    Address: Shibuya-ku, Sarugakucho 12-5
    Walk: Daikanyama Station 6-minute walk

  • 3. Love Letter Alley

    「恋文横丁」は、丹羽又雄の「恋文」という小説に由来し、昔はラブレターの代書屋があった。 近くに来たら意中の人にメールでも送ってみてはいかが?

    Address: Shibuya-ku, Dogenzaka near 2-29
    Walk: Shibuya Station 5-minute walk

  • 4. Kokugakuin temple

    神道文化学部がある大学として有名な國學院大學。神殿前の広場は開放感があり、マニアの間 で密かに評判。特に午前中は静かで狙い目!?

    Address: Shibuya-ku, Higashi
    Walk: Shibuya Station walk 16 minutes
    (Bus stop "Kokugakuin before" 0-minute walk)

Facilities List

  • 5. Chiyoda Inari Shrine

    Opening that was Emotion the Fushimi Inari in Kyoto in the Edo Castle

    Address: Shibuya-ku, Dogenzaka 2-20-8
    Walk: Shibuya Station 8 min. Walk

  • 6. Broiled Fudoson (Miyaeki Mitake Shrine)

    So increase in the doubling and scorch the money in the incense and the like in the immobility Broiled

    Address: Shibuya-ku, Shibuya 1-12-16
    Walk: Shibuya Station 5-minute walk

  • 7. King gold Hachiman

    It transmitted and pray for the company and in general the house light, even work to get ahead

    Address: Shibuya-ku, Shibuya 3-5-12
    Walk: Shibuya Station 8 min. Walk

  • 8. salt over Jizo (Tofukuji)

    The oldest temple Shibuya. Any one of those is divine favor to take a wart

    Address: Shibuya-ku, Shibuya 3-5-8
    Walk: Shibuya Station 8 min. Walk

  • 9. Shibuya Hikawa Shrine

    In nature rich Shibuya oldest shrine, divine favor also diverse

    Address: Shibuya-ku, Higashi 2-5-61
    Walk: Shibuya Station 15 minutes' walk
    (Bus stop "Kokugakuin before" 1-minute walk)

  • 10. Daikanyama Daedeok Benzaiten

    Although The area was destroyed by an air raid, near the Benzaiten was intact Toka

    Address: Shibuya-ku, Daikanyama-cho, 7-5
    Walk: Shibuya Station 14 mins
    (Daikanyama Station walk 5 minutes)

  • 11.2, 26 incidents cenotaph

    Popular among the good and the high school girls and the confession in front of the cenotaph

    Address: Shibuya-ku, Udagawa 1-1
    Walk: Shibuya Station 10-minute walk

  • 12. Chatan Inari Shrine

    Modern shrine do not think shrine. Appearance is completed in 1997

    Address: Shibuya Jinnan 1-4-1
    Walk: Shibuya Station 12 minutes' walk

  • 13. Yoyogi National Stadium

    When viewed from the sky left two Tomoe form of. There are patron Gate to the south of the Shrine?

    Address: Shibuya Jinnan 2-1-1
    Walk: Harajuku Station 5-minute walk

  • 14. Aoyama Seven Lucky Gods (Chosenji)

    Seven Lucky Gods of prosperous business. It has been enshrined Daikokusama in Chosenji

    Address: Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, 6-25-12
    Walk: Harajuku Station 9 minute walk
    (Meijijingumae 6-minute walk)

  • 15. 穏田 shrine

    Handsome face foot dignity and beauty to the deity Omoneyoru 訶志 old mud tag!

    Address: Shibuya-ku Jingumae 5-26-6
    Walk: Shibuya Station 9 minute walk

  • 16. La Chou Chou

    Shop rumors that small uncle (fairy) has been witnessed

    Address: Shibuya-ku Jingumae 4-29-9
    Walk: Meijijingumae a 4-minute walk

  • 17. Togo Shrine

    Ayakari to dominating Togo Marshal in the Russo-Japanese War, game luck UP! !

    Address: Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, 1-5-3
    Walk: Harajuku Station 8 min. Walk

  • 18. Aoyama Kumano Shrine

    Worshiped Allegiance So Aoyama guardian, also rumors of work and luck goes up

    Address: Shibuya-ku Jingumae 2-2-22
    Walk: Gaienmae Station 6-minute walk

  • 19. five colors Fudoson (RyuIwaotera)

    There is a mention of one of the Edo five colors Fudoson. Unfortunately private

    Address: Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, 2-3-8
    Walk: Gaienmae Station 8 min. Walk

  • 20. Enoki Inari Shrine

    When the mother of Tokugawa Yorinobu is toothache, it was cured in toothpick made of Enoki

    Address: Shibuya-ku, Sendagaya 2-29
    Walk: Harajuku Station 14 mins
    (Sendagaya Station 7 minutes walk)

  • 21. fujizuka (Hatomori Hachiman Shrine)

    Tokyo's oldest fujizuka. Any one of those is the same divine favor as the Fuji climb

    Address: Shibuya-ku, Sendagaya 1-1-24
    Walk: North approach Station 8 min. Walk

  • 22. couple Kusunoki (Meiji Shrine)

    Meiji Shrine of the sacred tree. Marital harmony, love, work, etc. in good match?

    Address: Shibuya-ku, Yoyogikamizono-cho, 1-1
    Walk: North approach Station walk 13 minutes

  • 23. Yoyogi Hachiman

    Any one of those to work luck UP, also entertainers to visit incognito

    Address: Shibuya-ku, Yoyogi 5-1-1
    Walk: Yoyogi Park Station 8 min. Walk

  • 24. Ebisu Shrine

    Thick the old days, even the faith of the residents referred to as Tianjin shrine (large six heaven-like)

    Address: Shibuya-ku, Ebisu 1-11-1
    Walk: Ebisu Station 4-minute walk

  • 25. Fukutoku Inari Shrine

    Fire calamity revelation and of, there are a variety of talk such as the disease was cured

    Address: Shibuya-ku, Ebisuminami 1-13-3
    Walk: Ebisu Station 4-minute walk