Tokiwa pine elementary school around

Where the "literature" of Shibuya is born

Mr. Kamiya thing with majoring in Japanese literature in practice women's school graduate, has been especially the research, such as sketching statements and Kosaku Takii.
The intersection near between the Hikawa Shrine and gold King shrine, shops that Mr. Kamiya had from the time students have also continued to business now.
Permanent exhibition pictorial record (800 yen) and are sold "literature of the new Shibuya" (photo left, Shibuya-ku Board of Education issued or 1000 yen) in the museum.

白根記念渋谷区郷土博物館・文学館 Sanae Kamiya's bookmark is "Tokiwa pine elementary school around."
Shirane Memorial Shibuya-ku, Provincial Museum, Museum of Literature which is the intersection of KuniManabuin pre-university to where it went up a little. In a neat little building since reopened about just one year, a special exhibition"Literary critic Takeo Okuno of the job."(6月6日〜7月30日)が開催されている。同館で非常勤の学芸員をしている神谷早苗さんのbookmarkは、同館の側にある「常磐松小学校周辺」。高校、大学、大学院と同館近くの実践女子学園で過ごした神谷さんにとって、氷川神社から金王神社へ抜ける通りのあたりは思い入れの深い場所。「学生の時によく通った喫茶店や、老舗の和菓子屋『千本堂』、楽器店などが今もまだ営業していて懐かしかった。特に交差点にある魚屋さんは当時のままの店構えで残っていて驚いた」とこの場所との縁を語る。また、博物館地下に併設されている文学館では、志賀直哉や三島由紀夫、竹久夢二、与謝野鉄幹・晶子夫妻など、渋谷にゆかりのある文学者の居住期間や住居の場所がグラフや地図で示されていたり、当時の渋谷に関する記述が紹介されており、著名作家たちの暮らしぶりを身近に感じることができる。「志賀直哉の家も当館の近所にあり、志賀邸は文学者が、奥野邸は『文学青年たちの巣だった』という記述がある。与謝野夫妻の『明星』や伊藤左千夫の『アララギ』、奥野健男の『現代批評』なども渋谷から生まれた。そういう意味では文化の発信地と言えるのでしょう」と神谷さん。


Shirane Memorial Shibuya-ku, Provincial Museum, Museum of Literature was opened in 1975 as "Shibuya Ward Shirane Memorial Regional Cultural Center", was reopened in a way that offers the Museum of Literature in July of last year. Owns and store a variety of materials on Shibuya of history and literature, in addition, such as the occasional exhibitions and lectures, are also held, such as tours along the theme walk Shibuya of the city. Currently, there is also a literary critic spent a lifetime in Shibuya, exhibition to introduce the life of Tateo Okuno was active in a variety of genres, such as drama, art and science (photo) has been carried out. Since the literary world debut of Okuno is "Dazai course", was the holding of in honor is also the birthday of Dazai cherry mourning. The special exhibition room autograph manuscript and photos, in addition to a number of memorabilia, such as antique-style lamp has been exhibited there was was a gift from Yukio Mishima deep friendship, in one corner of the Museum of Literature of the underground of Okuno study has been as it is reproduced. Kamiya-san, who was involved in the planning of the exhibition gave us commentary as "activities that link the different genres, such as drama, art and science of Okuno's what it feels like are also appear in the critic's point of view."

(2006年07月21日 14:10:00)

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