Shibuya culture project

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Festival "TWDW 2018" to consider how to work Opening of a total of 100 people at Shibuya Hikarie base

11月23日は国民の祝日「勤労感謝の日」。この日を含む11月17日〜11月23日までの7日間にわたり、働き方を考えるイベント「TOKYO WORK DESIGIN WEEK 2018(TWDW 2018)」が渋谷ヒカリエ8階の「8/COURT(コート)」をメイン会場として開催される。

Since the first exhibition in 2013, the total number of event participants is a popular event that reaches 20,000 people. With a society with an extremely low birthrate and an aging society, it is inevitable that a significant decline in the productive age population (aged 15 to 64), which is a key player in the economy, is inevitable, and people who have anxiety and doubts about the current "way of working" and "work" is increasing. Against this backdrop of the social environment, the event will promote "new ways of working" and "how to work in the future", while exchanging ideas and hints related to "work way" and "work" of the speakers and participants I am trying to imagine it.

<Related articles> How did you start TWDW?
*Interview with Takashi Yokoishi (Article posted on November 13, 2015)

The theme of this year, which is the sixth time, "From work to private affairs". This year, in addition to Shibuya which becomes main, Yokohama, Osaka, and South Korea · Seoul also establish satellite venue and expand to scale to the worldwide event.

▲ Organizer · Mr. Yokoishi. A state at the time of the last year (2017)

About this theme, TWDW's organizer · Takashi Yokoishi can think as follows.

"What we learned from the way we worked how we learned from reform can not depend on the company as it is, as we are said to be 100 years of life, we will control our time and income and manage themselves In the era. With the coming of the 100 million total management age is approaching, I think that preparation for that will be done here. "

Companies such as the lifetime employment system and the collapse of the pension system can not afford the company and the country, everything is required "self-management" and "self-responsibility". Even a salaried worker belonging to a company, it would be a way of working in the coming era, with consciousness like an individual business owner.

渋谷ヒカリエでは8階のイベントスペース「8/COURT」でトークセッションやワークショップを中心に展開し、会期中に各業界の新世代リーダーやキーパーソンたちが数多く登場。「”仕事”を”私事”に変える〜会社員3.0時代の復業化する働き方〜」をテーマとする初日オープニングイベントには、ヤフーのコーポレートエバンジェリスト・伊藤洋一さん、楽天大学学長・仲山進也さん、ハピキラFACTORY社長とニーモバイルコミュニケーションズを兼業する正能茉優さんの3者が登壇しトークセッションを行う(17日 15時〜16時15分)。

そのほか、注目イベントは予防医学研究者・石川善樹さんによる「自己紹介をイノベーションする 3時間ブートキャンプ」(18日 14時15分〜17時15分)や、greenz.jp編集長・鈴木菜央さん、ツクルバ CCO・中村 真広さんらが登壇し、「コミュニティ経営を考える〜変化の時代、組織と事業のあり方」をテーマに新しい組織の在り方を問う(19日 15時30分 〜17時30分)。恒例企画では様々な職種やワークスタイルを持つ100人が集結するミートアップイベント「働き方100人会議」(22日 19時15分〜21時半)や、「お金は誰のためにある?」をテーマにロフトワーク共同代表・林千晶さん、「WIRED」日本版前編集長・若林恵さんの二人がじっくりと語り合う(23日 16時半〜18時)。

▲ Left = Chiaki Hayashi right = Megumi Wakabayashi Mr. Wakabayashi's appearance at the time of the last year (2017)

In the gallery space "CUBE (Cube)" adjacent to the main venue, the business card management application "Eight" and the "tea ceremony meeting" produced by ITO EN are open only. Provide a place of communication where you can talk with the speakers and participants while drinking tea. In addition, we collaborate with Ginza Tsuya bookstore and also provide a "special library" (admission free) that introduces recommended books on "work way" by supervision of Book Concierge · Keisou Kanego.

渋谷ヒカリエのほか、100BANCH(渋谷3丁目)、Loftwork COOOP10(道玄坂1丁目)、BOOK LAB TOKYO(道玄坂2丁目)、クリエイティブボックス(神宮前6丁目)、SHIBAURA HOUSE(港区)、ハローライフ(大阪市)、スカイスパYOKOHAMA(横浜市)、東大門デザインプラザ(ソウル)などのサテライト会場でもイベントが展開される。約40プログラムが実施され、総勢100人が登壇する予定。

"In order to change the way of working, I think that my inner self should be adventurous and this year we have various programs," From work to private ", and there is also a free gallery exhibition at the entrance Please feel free to drop by. "(Mr. Yokoishi)

○ Holding: Saturday, November 17 - November 23 (Friday), 2018
○ Venue: Shibuya Hikarie Court and other places in Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, Korea, etc.
○ Program / Ticket Sales: DetailsThis direction
〇主催:TWDW事務局/& Co.,Ltd
〇 Official:Http://

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