Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

☆ "Ogikubo Velvet Sun" @SARAVAH Tokyo

summer solstice.乃東 Blight Natsuka been grass, Karl. Most during the day is long this time of the year, or hot and humid due to the influence of the power-saving, is dark or, dark part of the original sense of the season and the room, going to be a summer to realize such as the shade of transfer of the day. . . Can firsthand experience the "portrait of deceased person Praise" of Tanizaki this year, it is going to be a summer of discovery of darkness can be. . .

Well, they are two of the guidance of the Event.
● Shibuya SARAVAH of Pierre Ballou's relationship of "man and woman" in Tokyo. Do vivi Event tomorrow 6 / 24fri. It will be the joint planning of the Sugadairo to hardcore free jazz live house velvet sun and based in the bottom of the Ogikubo.

19:00 (20: 00)
3.000yen (3.500yen) → There is also a discount of this Once the first 20 people 2000yen / 1d can contact until noon tomorrow.

Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Shoto 1-chome, 29-1 Shibuya Crossroads building B1
TEL/FAX 03-6427-8886


山下洋輔さんの秘蔵っ子であり、渋さ知らズのメンバーでもあるスガダイローの別トリオ・起き上がり法師の登場です。アブストラクト色の強いフリージャズです。スガダイロー(pf)×刀袮直和(b)×池澤龍作(dr)  ×中村伊豆乃(sax&MC)
Also led by Yoshida Ami in also active in the comic critic, writer astro twin (Yoshida Ami + Kawasaki Yuta).
And, ghost story was breaking in "Kokotsu love of" novelist-Yue Okabe (original) × annabelle (naked reading) × AzumaYasumitsu (b)



●『LIAISON PARTY』 6/26sun NHKの伝説的敏腕プロデューサーの周宝さんの始めたナチュラル系カフェで月一イヴェントです。私はオ〜ラの似顔絵をしております。15:00-22:00。1000yen。
LIASON cafe dishes using plenty of natural materials, is a pleasant space. Is the building of the Manhattan record.

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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