Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

★ Bronx Underground
Alternative jazz prodigies appeared !!! ★

Led by Naruyoshi Kikuchi, who has been re-formed last year DCPRG is the first appearance at BLUE NOTE TOKYO. And that after three days six performances, there is a live Kikuchi Presents Kip Hanrahan "Byutefuru-Scars". Many of Alternative Latin sound that musicians unleash the Bronx of prodigies that came to produce the beginning of the Piazzolla. This is a must-see. Guest to Naruyoshi Kikuchi-san and the movie "man and woman" and Salavas Maiabaru's daughter of Mr. Pierre Ballou of the label starring. Whether there will be a live, which represents so much of now Tokyo. This year What is how to start the last of the month from this live.

★12/7-9  NARUYOSHI KIKUCHI presents「SYNDICATE NKKH-DCPRG&AMARICAN CLAVE」キップ・ハンラハンKIP HANRAHAN`BEAUTIFUL SCARS`with special guest NARUYOSHI KIKUCHI &MAIA BAROUH ピアソラの『タンゴ・ゼロ・アワー』をプロデュースし、NYアンダーグランドジャズ巨人来る!ゲストは菊地成孔とマイア・バルー!!!!!!!!!必見!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1st 17:30 (19:00 -), 2nd 20:45 (21: 30-) 7.500yen

お求めの方は へお名前、人数、日にち、時間を明記の上お申し込みください。 この日の特典はウェルカムドリンクとして、ビール、ワイン、ワンナイトカクテル、ソフトドリンク全般をサービスします!!!! / kip-hanrahan /

You know I Kurave? Servants grew up in the United States, where I was learned the Kurave, did not think that it is servants American. I had think the American outsider. New - only went a little to the outside of the yoke, realize that I do myself is not that how the Americans. It correctly, the actual story, servants and American power, I absolutely have to outside the framework of American society and social structure. My passport's a United States of America, we grew up in the United States, counts the Kurave, but I go into creating, for us the most human, the two-beat and four beat of accent, not the accent of African music to, it's accents of gold and power. I unrelated with us. While counting the Kurave enters, if you ask our American music, and rock, the sound track of the non-principle, music that is heard in the background of capitalism, what's. Come to the us, this is the American Kurave. This would be an ironic title. The name of the label is muffled irony.

Kip Hanrahan

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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