Shibuya culture project

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Finally Pokemon GO release! How Well appearance of Shibuya the city?

Position has sparked a social phenomenon game app "PokemonGO (Pokemon Go)" is in the July 22 morning in Europe and the United States, played a landing in Japan.

Immediately, in the light rain is pouring, Tour of Shibuya of the city, trying to report the first time to prosperous! It did where you want to say, after the fact to release, shortly, the people who still have Kyoji to Pokemon game sparse. From game users, much more often than in the reporting team that rushed TV stations and newspapers trying to interview the state.

In the rain, in Hachiko Square was conspicuous appearance of reporters and camera crew of the kappa figure. Place that has been little talked to reporter's, face troubled and "Ne is not surprising to have." Just been launched yet, not been raised about the media have come to expect the situation.

Now, the app is also in the editorial department of the Shibuya culture project Danrodo, to be around the Shibuya of town (Hachiko Square → Center District → Spanish Steps → near Miyashita Park → Hikarie → gold king Hachiman Shrine).

First, immediately entered the center street, three animals of Pokemon in the vicinity of the Forever 21 entrance (Beadle, Hitodeman, Onisuzume) discovered! Throwing monster ball, but is not to capture each Pokemon, it is difficult to hit with unexpectedly throw. To seize the trick, to tend to be wasteful strike of the ball.

For Pokemon capture in the pocket spot, often come across people who have stopped to smartphone one hand. As a user to enjoy the same game, such as the way of the game it is also possible to talk casually, including. Appearance of foreign travelers also seen, little community is born likely to sign in the future.

センター街 マックの前にはドード。全国2900店舗のマックにポケモンGOの「ジム」や「ポケストップ」が設置されているとのことだが、近づいてみても何ら変わらず。他のポケストップと何が違うのか、今のところよく分からない。レベルを上げてから出直す必要がありそうだ。さて、ここのところ元気のなかったマックにとって、ポケモンGOは果たして救世主になるのでしょうか? 

In the Spanish Steps, RATTATA appearance to intimidate protruding front teeth.

In the vicinity of the parking lot of the east exit, Caterpie. In the vicinity of Hikarie Zubatto, Poppo.

About one hour, has been around the Shibuya of the city, meanwhile, success Nine of Pokemon to capture. In the future, scattered in the town along with the level up "gym", it says it is also such as the battle to fight with other players of Pokemon, but it's going to take a little more time to get there. Compared to the ingress is the same position the game, the rules also gently, enjoy enough from children to adults.

First weekend celebrated its summer vacation, in the town of Shibuya parents and children to become addicted to looking for Pokemon will be surely increase. Yesterday, attention from the Cabinet Office Cyber ​​Security Center (PDF) There was a notice of, but to earnestly walking smartphone and heatstroke! Notes

Editorial department · Fuji Itakashi

Shibuya registrar. In addition to Shibuya of Culture information, seasonal news and topics, it will spell write that feel every day.

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