Shibuya culture project

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Vitoru presents Team Lab Learn with Jungle! Future amusement park

As part of the Shibuya Hikarie 5th Anniversary Commemorative Project, a large-scale exhibition by TeamLab, "Bailel presents Teamlab Jungle and Learn! The Future Amusement Park" will be held from July 28 (Fri) to September 10 (Sun) Shibuya Hikarie is held at Hikarie Hall on the 9th floor.

The team laboratory led by Mr. Inoko Toshiyuki began activities mainly in graduate students of the University of Tokyo and Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2001. It is made up of various specialists such as programmers and engineers, CG animators, architects, graphic designers, editors, etc. It is known as a group that produces digital art work making full use of latest technology. There are 470,000 people visiting "Team Lab Dancing! Art Exhibition, Learning! Amusement Park of the Future", Japan Pavilion of "Milan Expo 2015", etc. We have made numerous art exhibitions at home and abroad.

今回の同展覧会は、体験型音楽フェスティバル「teamLab Jungle - Light Art and Music(チームラボジャングル ライトアート&ミュージックフェスティバル )と、2013年11月にスタートし、国内・海外の累計で500万人の来場者を記録するチームラボの人気の教育プロジェクト「チームラボアイランド −学ぶ!未来の遊園地−」の2つが楽しめる大規模なイベント。
"Team Lab Jungle" is a fantastic art of light, immersed in the body, interactively moving cubes and spaces, playing sounds by touching the lights flying in the air, a new perception experience through the body.
Playing trampoline / Sound Trampolines
We developed it in two parts, "teamLab Jungle - Kids Noon (Team Lab Jungle Kids Noon)" for parent and child, "teamLab Jungle - Art Night" (Team Lab Jungle Art Night) for adults, Content that can enjoy a wide range of layers ranging from family to couple, adults are available.

In the "Learning! Amusement Park of the Future" experienced by a cumulative total of 5 million people, new works such as "Graffiti Nature - Mountain and Valley" which gained popularity at overseas exhibitions and "Slip growing! Fruit fields" appeared.
Especially "Graffiti Nature - Mountain and Valley", various nature creatures drawn by children are able to experience virtual nature world such as spreading in the space of mountains and valleys where they are. "Learn! Future amusement park" can participate in both the daytime and night time, either time zone.

The world of interactive art that can be fully enjoyed not only by children but also by adults. During summer vacation, please go out with parents and friends.

Vitoru presents Team Lab Learn with Jungle! Future amusement park
     ※Kids Noon(昼公演) 休演 / 7/28(金)、9/1(金)、9/5(火)〜8(金)
     ※Art Night(夜公演)休演 / 8/10(木)、8/4(金)20:30のみ
 〇時間: 9:30〜22:00(※定員制)
 〇料金:Kids Noon(昼公演: 約50分) +学ぶ!未来の遊園地
     前売:大人2,000円 /小人1,000円
     当日:大人2,200円 /小人1,200円

     Art Night(夜公演: 約60分) +学ぶ!未来の遊園地
     18:00(土・日・祝は 17:00)〜最終入場20:30
     前売:大人3,200円 当日:大人3,400円

 〇主催: チームラボジャングル東京2017実行委員会
 〇後援:渋谷区観光協会、TOKYO MX、テレビ神奈川、TOKYO FM、スペースシャワーTV

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