Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

3 works CULTURE × SHIBUYA editing room is recommended

"Movie", "Art", such as "events," "Live," "stage", published in Shibuya, from the culture information that will be held, pick up the editorial department recommended.

The theme

The boundary between this and the array

東シナ海の南西部にある島嶼群「尖閣諸島」。日本と台湾・中国側との間ではこの諸島の領有権をめぐって不法操業や不法越境などの国際問題がしばしば発生している。ほかにもブータンと中国、カザフスタンとウズベキスタン、トルコとアルメニアなど、2国が隣接するエリアについてお互いが領土権を主張する領土争いは、現在も世界中で見られる問題。その背景には、石油などの天然資源や、国境付近にある川、農地、重要建造物などがあり、その所有の有無が国益を左右する場合も多い。 一方でソーシャル・ネットワークが世界各地に普及し、地球の裏側に住む友人の生活にも瞬時にアクセスできる現在。庶民のリアリティ感覚では、国同士の境界線はどんどん希薄になっているようにも感じる。それでも国同士は争うものなのか。国籍は必要なのか。自分がどこかの国民である、ということにどんな意味があるのだろうか。 今回は、2つの対象をめぐる「境界線」に着目して、渋谷で上映中の映画作品をピックアップ。異なる国同士のカップルのもとに生まれた「ハーフ」という存在にフォーカスしたドキュメンタリー、血の繋がった家族だと思っていた子どもが他人だったことを通じて、家族という共同体の意味を見つめなおす劇映画、食料廃棄の現状を通じて「食べもの」と「食べられないもの」の判断基準に疑問を呈するドキュメンタリー。それぞれ対象は異なるけれど、テーマになるのは、どこに境界線を引くのか、その境界線を引くことにどんな意味があるのか、という問題。異なる分野でのそれぞれのアプローチを通して、改めて自分の身近な境界線、自分とは関係無いものとしてきた境界線について、思いを馳せてみては。

This Month Specials


2013 / Japan / 87 minutes
Screening location
Screening period
2013 October 5 (Saturday) to 18 (Fri.)
Screen time
More information about the screening schedule to theater
directed by
Megumi Nishikura, Takagi Lara
Starring out
Sofia (Australia × Japan), David (Ghana × Japan), Kazuya Oi (Mexico × Japan) In addition

From October 5 in the uplink, documentary "half" will be published to convey complex feelings and multi-cultural experience of half us.
Become the era where people move frequently around the world, it has become more and more prosperous the movement of people in Japan. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, born between one in 49 people of Japan of newborns of foreigners and Japanese. Some people in seemingly conspicuous, some people that do not stand out at all.
In the same work, Japan and Australia, Ghana, Mexico, South Korea, etc., covering the birth half between the people of another country. Through interviews and narration, the relationship of half their upbringing and family, education, and sometimes their experience to their appearance affects tell. If put in among them even people who do not know only Japan, life cage also completely unknown people of the world in Japan, also some people who are living in Between the two different world.
And a half is, what kind of things to? And, is the sense of being Japanese?

Like Father, Like Son

2013/121 minutes / Japan / Distributor: Gaga / © 2013, "Like Father, Like Son" Production Committee
Like Father, Like Son
Screening location
Shibuya Shineparesu
TOHO Cinemas Shibuya
Screening period
September 28, 2013 (Sat) - (September 24 - preceding)
Screen time
More information about the screening schedule to theater
directed by
Kore-eda Hirokazu
Starring out
Masaharu Fukuyama, Machiko Ono, Yoko Maki, Lily Franky

From September 28 days in Shibuya Shineparesu · TOHO Cinemas Shibuya, Masaharu Fukuyama has served as a starring, "consisting and father" blockbuster, which won the Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival will start.
Education, work, home. I got all in their own ability, his own the good did not suspect believe that winners of life many (Masaharu Fukuyama). In contact from one day hospital, his son was brought up six years turn out to be was a child of a couple of others that are mixed up in the hospital. Blame yourself you did not notice the green (Machiko Ono) of the wife, on the other hand Yoo know the meaning of the discontent that was carrying his son too much kindness. Yoo is start the exchange while confusion with the other party of the family, I do not like the uncouth behavior of the majestic Saiki engaged in small electronics store and (Lily Franky) Yukari (Yoko Maki) couple in Gunma. In the mix-up past cases say that taking a lead of 100 percent blood, but the son has been pouring Isshin affection in green, couple Saiki we have built a bustling home a warm suffer to let go of the child that was brought up.
And "exchange" is the start of the last son. From there, starting with the conflict as the "father" of the good multi-true ....
It happened to the family through the "incident", the work to explore the family image of a new era. The ties of blood, exactly what is a family?

A waste!

2011/88 min / Germany / distribution: T & K tele-film / © SCHNITTSTELLE Film Köln, THURN FILM
A waste!
Screening location
Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography Hall
Uplink(October 19 ~)
Screening period
September 21, 2013 (Sat) -
Screen time
More information about the screening schedule to theater
directed by
Valentin Thurn
Roranto Bright shoe

From September 21 at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, a documentary to tell the current state of the world's food waste "a waste!" It began.
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on September 11, 1 of the food of 3 minutes, which is produced in the world, released a report that has been discarded without the year about 1.3 billion tons eaten. Worst of disposal area includes CJK "industrialized Asia". In the same work, in various countries and regions around the world including Japan, while listening to the story of the people and professionals involved in every stage of food to follow, the reality and the cause of the startle, introduce the influence. In the field of production, in the course of distribution, in the retail sale stage, and even at home ....
"I can not eat rarely Even banana in my country, I Nante too luxury throw away!" (Cameroon-born Veronique to work in the food bank of Paris) "food waste is to soaring prices of food, indirectly world hunger has led to. "I wonder (Bonn University)" too good, but I think I can Naa's luxury Japanese. "(workers of food recycling plant)
In the world, current situation where one person in eight is on one which is said to be suffering from hunger, the expiration date is the food that is eaten for reasons such as close are easily discarded in large quantities. Expiration date and it is, but it should not be not be eaten, but what is the cause that is at the base of the food loss that does not decrease? And what we what can you do?

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