Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

Three that HIKARIE × SHIBUYA Hikarie to recommend

This month, we pick up recommendations from the latest culture information such as "Exhibitions" and "Events" held in Shibuya Hikarie .

The theme

Shibuya Hikarie "8 /" Pickup of February

2014年に突入して1ヶ月以上が過ぎた。それを「早い」と感じるか、「遅い」と感じるかは人それぞれだが、一般的には年を取れば取るほど時間の経過は早く感じると言われている。今回はヒカリエ/8で開催されているイベントから、仕事の忙しさに身を委ねて、「あっという間に2月になってしまった!!」と感じている人にこそ、おすすめしたい3企画をピックアップした。 「働く"合間"に雑誌をつくりました展」では、週末を利用して雑誌づくりに励むサラリーマンの姿が心に染み入り、「晴れたら市原、行こう!」では、首都圏から50キロ圏内で実施されるアートイベントを通して、連休の楽しみ方を提案。そして「ぶっ飛び就活の羅針盤」では、「就活」という視点に立ち返って、あなたにとっての仕事とは何かを模索する。 日々仕事が忙しいことはとてもありがたいことではあるが、一方でそれが自分の価値の全部になってしまうのでは危うい。一年の節目の季節である春を目前に、仕事の合間にある「余暇」の使い方を見直すことで、改めて自分らしさを見なおしてみるのも、また楽しいのではないだろうか。

This Month Specials


Shibuya Hikarie 8 / Creative Lounge MOV aiiima 1
Holding period
February 8, 2014 (Saturday) to February 16 (Sunday)
Holding time
Organized by
Admission fee

From showcase "aiiima" In February 8 days of Creative Lounge MOV, an exhibition that salaried workers three to introduce the production process of the magazine, which was completed using the weekend "Exploring the Japan while working WORLD YOUTH PRODUCTS Vol.0.5" to start.
Sponsored by "WORLD YOUTH PRODUCTS". "Think while working" thing in little press for the purpose of, I usually come out in society to act as a salaried worker 2, the third year of young people 3 people, produced a magazine while working literally.
In the first issue, which was launched in February of last year, it was carried out the interview to India using the summer vacation of the company.
同展は、昨年8月にaiiimaで行った展示「働く"合間"に雑誌をつくる展」を雑誌化した『WORLD YOUTH PRODUCTS Vol.0.5 働きながら日本を探る』のリリースイベント。『Vol.0.5』の内容紹介、現品展示、「働く"合間"に雑誌をつくる展」で使用したパネルの再掲載。『Vol.0.5』の文字校正の資料展示、『Vol.0.5』の色校正の資料展示を実施。また、Vol.0.5でインタビューしたゲスト(写真家、旅人、国連UNHCR職員など)に因んだ特別展示も行う予定。

"Sunny Once Ichihara, let's go! "

"Sunny Once Ichihara, let's go! "
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / CUBE 1, 2, 3
Holding period
February 15, 2014 (Saturday) to February 28 (Friday)
Holding time
11:00〜20:00※15日は18:00〜、 28日は18:00まで
Organized by
Medium Boso International Arts Festival Ichihara Art × mix Executive Committee
Admission fee

CUBE from 1, 2, February 15, at 3, just before the event "sunny Once Ichihara, let's go!" "Medium Boso International Arts Festival Ichihara Art × mix" will be held.
"Medium Boso International Arts Festival Ichihara Art × mix" is, artists and local residents based in Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture, companies, administrative cooperation, efforts to lay the foundation of the ongoing regional activation of the art in mediating . In the March 21, May 52 days to 11 days, Kazusaushiku Station neighborhood Ichihara, KenHisashimichi Ichihara Tsurumai IC peripheral, as the main venue for the three areas of Yōrōkeikoku Station zone from Kominato railway Satomi Station, about 40 work is carried out about 12 events and seminars of. General Director, served as art director Fram Kitagawa, known for such as Echigo Tsumari Art Triennale, Ichihara the widely outgoing as a "metropolitan area oasis of" which is located in 50 kilometers from the center of Tokyo, for the further 50 years the region It opens up the prospect of making.
In the same event, we plan exhibitions and participation work, exhibition, such as landscape photography of Ichihara, the sale of such work appreciation passport and official guide book of the Arts Festival implementation. Held or hands-on school, are also planned crosstalk caused by Kitagawa Director of the participating artists.

Compass of Buttobi job hunting

Compass of Buttobi job hunting
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / Creative Lounge MOV aiiima 1
Holding period
February 17, 2014 (Monday) to February 23 (Sunday)
Holding time
Organized by
Ltd. bridged Sky Solutions
Admission fee
Free ※ reservation required

From showcase "aiiima" In February 17 of the Creative Lounge MOV, events that "job hunting" on the theme "Buttobi Job Hunting of the compass" is carried out by the meat bowl.
Meat bowl job hunting site, which opened in February 2012. Such as "your nomination NO.1 adopted", "black belt adoption", adopted frame can apply at the good things and the experience of the student "BOWL" has more than 200, until the unknown blue-chip companies from surprising well-known companies, applicants - come perfect from interviews after participation is introducing the company.
The event, in late February of job hunting on the season, in accordance with the time to promote business research, interview preparation, held as an opportunity to once again 'listen to the voice of their own'. The main target of the active universities and graduate students will graduate March 2015, job hunting in the interview experience, such as scout events on the theme of Daiki interest, free thinking of self-analysis using the Tarot, from the interviewer's point of view cheer. Some programs, already graduated, the current 1, 2, 4-year-old also can participate in person, also frame that working people can participate. It is accepted in the reservation meat bowl special page (

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