Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

Three that HIKARIE × SHIBUYA Hikarie to recommend

This month, we pick up recommendations from the latest culture information such as "Exhibitions" and "Events" held in Shibuya Hikarie .

The theme

Shibuya Hikarie "8 /" Pick Up of April

いよいよ春到来。仕事、学校、仲間と、幅広いフィールドが新たな年度を迎え、まだ慣れない生活に慌ただしい日々を過ごしている人も多いのではないだろうか?4月に入学式を終えた学生や、入社式を終えた社会人だけでなく、先輩として新人さんたちを迎え入れる人々も、4月はこれまでの自分たちの取り組みをもう一度見直し、より深く考えるのに最適なシーズン。今回は、そんな4月の息吹に乗せて、「再」をテーマにヒカリエ8/で行われている企画展をピックアップした。 開催されるのは、外国人写真家から見た日本の風土が垣間見える写真展、廃材などを蘇らせる「アップサイクル」ブランドの展示販売会など、新たな視点が新たな価値を生み出す企画や、その土地土地の魅力を地ビールを通して再発見するイベントなど。 「再」という視点をヒントに、何気なく過ぎていく日常をより一層楽しむきっかけにしてみては?

This Month Specials

"City - Tanabe of the world heritage" by Jimmy Ming Shum

"City - Tanabe of the world heritage" by Jimmy Ming Shum
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / CUBE 1, 2, 3
Holding period
2014 April 15 (Tuesday) to April 23 (Wed.)
Holding time
Organized by
Tanabe, Wakayama Prefecture
Admission fee

CUBE 1, 2, 3 in the April 15, the city - Tanabe Photos world heritage "Kii Mountain Range of the Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in" the Hong Kong people photographer Jimmy Ming Shum was taken Exhibition of "" world heritage "by Jimmy Ming Shum "it will be held.
It held to commemorate that became the 10 anniversary of the World Heritage Site of orthotopic. Photo in the center of the fashion magazines such as Vogue and Men's Uno, Hong Kong and Taiwan, in China due to the Jimmy Ming Shum 沈平 forest, which is known as a photographer that best-selling. "Connect the people the way, people create the future" concept, including the Kumano Kodo, cut people who live in the land, life, the taste and the work was finished in the face and small works that re-discovery is full of the city. In addition, in the 8 / inner d47 cafeteria according to the exhibition, to provide a "plum wine BAR" using packed with taste of Tanabe as "Wakayama Tanabe set meal" a plum wine Tanabe production.


Shibuya Hikarie 8 / CUBE 1, 2, 3
Holding period
April 25, 2014 (Friday) to May 6 (Tuesday)
Holding time
Organized by
Admission fee

In CUBE 1, 2, 3 from April 25, up cycle brand "NEWSED (Nyuzudo)" is exhibition and sale had their "NEWSED = NEW + USED" begins.
"What was outdated, that the view from a new perspective, revive as another new" the brand to work on the concept. In 2010, re-branding the start hired a design unit minna to design director. So far, with those that were outdated, such as waste material while appointed the 12 pairs of designer, we have been developing products that to cherish the stories and background. Handling stores nationwide museum shop, select shop is the center of the design system. Usually while introducing of it without waste and end material to be too much eye in the exhibition, expand the limited shop you can buy all items NEWSED. New products is also to show off.

d SCHOOL "4 night meeting of the continuous craft beer"

d SCHOOL "4 night meeting of the continuous craft beer"
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / d47 design travel store
Holding period
April 15, 2014 (Tuesday) to 18 (Fri.)
Holding time
Organized by
4,000 yen each time

From April 15 days in d47 design travel store, Kai d SCHOOL 4 consecutive nights craft beer to introduce "the land-ness" will be held through the craft beer.
April 13 (Sunday) - linkage project with TOKYO BEER WEEK to be held until April 20 (Sunday). From four sites of "Tochigi, Saitama, Okinawa Shizuoka", Tochigi "Nasu beer" (15 days), Saitama "co-Ed Brewery" (16 days), Okinawa "Helios brewing" (17 days), Shizuoka "Baird Blue focus queuing "and in four of the craft beer. Beer of basic and Brewery features and nightly invited brewers around the country, did it start in the land, introduce the story, such as the design of the label. While tasting beer, also provides snacks of the land.
The participants must be reserved in advance. Reservations accepts over-the-counter, phone, the application from the web site.

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