Shibuya culture project

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Three that HIKARIE × SHIBUYA Hikarie to recommend

This month, we pick up recommendations from the latest culture information such as "Exhibitions" and "Events" held in Shibuya Hikarie .

The theme

Shibuya Hikarie "8 /" Pick Up of May

たまたま飲み屋で隣り合った人、職場の取引先の人、結婚式の相手側の友人…、人生は「出会い」に満ちている。そのたった一回の出会いが新しい仕事に結びついたり、友人関係へと発展したりしたりすることもあるが、そんな未来を待たずとも、今、目の前にいる誰かと共に過ごすほんのひと時は、一生に一度しか巡ってこないかけがえのないもの。その出会いに感謝して誠意を尽くせという千利休の言葉「一期一会」を思ってみると、日常の様々な人々との出会いが、大きな楽しみとして胸に迫ってくるのではないだろうか。 今回は、そんな「出会い」をテーマにヒカリエ8/で展開する企画をピックアップ。 京都老舗陶磁器店と独デザイナーとの出会い、沖縄石垣島とクリエーターとの出会い、中国生まれのアーティストとNYとの出会い、それぞれの形や傾向は全く違えども、人生の一瞬の出会いを価値とするからこそ生まれた作品、企画ばかり。 外へ出かけるのが心地良い5月。これらの企画を、あなたの「出会い」の一つにしてみては?

This Month Specials

Kyoto us Gil since 1752, "Luigi Colani 2020 Collection" exhibition recital

Kyoto us Gil since 1752, "Luigi Colani 2020 Collection" exhibition recital
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / CUBE 1, 2, 3
Holding period
May 8, 2014 (Thursday) - May 19, 2014 (Monday)
Holding time
Organized by
Co., Ltd. we Gil
Admission fee

CUBE 1, 2, 3 from May 8 in, exhibition recital of Kyoto ceramics shop "our luck," said the designer Luigi Colani's cooperation 働製 goods has begun.
Colani san started his career from the 1950s, Alfa Romeo, Volkswagen, worked a lot of car design, such as BMW. The furniture design of the 1960s, the 1970s expansion ballpoint pen, uniforms and track from household goods such as television, the design activity a wide range up to the kitchen. Known in organic design and unconventional approach, he has won numerous design awards.
The exhibition, our luck is carried out to commemorate the was celebrated its 260 years. The 1980s, the company, expand each series of ceramics "Obo", "Dewdrop", "Obo?" In Colani's cooperating. And this renewed this, newly announced a series you add the mug as "Luigi Colani 2020 Collection". Positioning the exhibition in the new exhibition recital. And long-established to convey the "essence" of Kyoto, it is a popular designer combined, want to enjoy the world of the new vessel.

Ishigaki Creative Flag

Ishigaki Creative Flag
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / Creative Lounge MOV
Holding period
May 28, 2014 (water) - June 3, 2014 (Tuesday)
Holding time
Organized by
Ishigaki Creative Flag
Admission fee

From Creative Lounge 5 May 28 in the MOV, to exhibit the "Ishigaki Creative Flag" project Okinawa Ishigaki Yukari creators 35 set to join.
As one of the cultural industry creation business of Ishigaki, local graduates and relatives, by archiving the creator with a edge in the city, such as residents, the project, which aims to PR to home and abroad. To start the activity in December last year, 35 people to work in a variety of fields such as video and photos, design and music gathered.
Is to enter one's name to a member, studied under immigration after Okinawa craftsman to Ishigaki, Ms. Yasutaka Tsuzuki was turning to the world of sculpture from 2011, a free video photographer born in Osaka, Kanaoka to get started, such as TVCM and music clips Mr. Chikawo, born Ishigaki, such as Tokyo-based graphic designer Yoza Aye Ichiro's.
During the period at the venue, it will do, such as exhibitions and workshops.

Zhao Shuebin Exhibition

© Zhao Xuebing
Zhao Shuebin Exhibition
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / ART GALLERY
Holding period
May 29, 2014 (Thursday) - June 23, 2014 (Monday)
Holding time
Organized by
Tomio Koyama Gallery
Admission fee

From ART In GALLERY 5 May 29, the Chinese-born artist, Zhao Shuebin is an exhibition of the series "Central Park," which was inspired by the New York landscape to start.
Shuebin 1967 China Beijing born. In depiction features to achieve both of strength and fine detail, New York, Paris, Shanghai, have done a number of exhibitions, such as Singapore.
Series to showcase this time, those in New York after being attacked by a storm, the landscape of the North Woods area of ​​Central Park when he was in the eyes, that was fascinated by the harshness and the life force is produced in the trigger. Recoating a thin oil paint with a fine brush, representing the branches and fallen leaves withered in the frosty tone. Ray of representation that shade of light and shadow is richly depiction, reminiscent of monochrome photos and traditional ink painting of China. I want to taste the landscape painting that China-born artist drew in its own interpretation on the stage in New York.

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