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The theme

The world of movie genius director tell

梅雨の時期の夕暮れ、突然の雨に慌てて傘を広げる瞬間に「となりのトトロ」を思い出す。また、今では肩身の狭い愛煙家ですが、ごくたまにチェーンスモーカーに出くわすと「勝手にしやがれ」を思い返し、さらに車の窓から見える猥雑な都会の夜に「タクシードライバー」を連想してしまう…。どんなストーリーだったかは忘れてしまっても、日常生活の中でふと印象的だったワンシーンを思い出して豊かな気持ちになることがある。こうした私たちの記憶に残るシーンを持つ作品は、それだけでいい映画と言えるのではないだろうか。 今回はそんな風に唯一無二の世界観で観客を魅了する奇才映画監督たちに着目したい。カルト映画の代表格として知られるデヴィッド・リンチ監督は、写真や版画など映画以外の作品展を渋谷ヒカリエで展開。ジョンレノンや寺山修司が絶賛した「エル・トポ」のアレハンドロ・ホドロフスキー監督は今年84歳にして、自身の半生を映画にまとめあげた。そしてカンボジア人のリティ・パニュ監督は、自身の少年期をもとに土人形を使った独自のアプローチでカンボジアの歴史を紐解く。奇才か、鬼才か、天才か、3人の個性豊かな監督が伝える世界を、ぜひ渋谷で体験してみて欲しい

This Month Specials

David Lynch Exhibition

© David Lynch, courtesy item editions
David Lynch Exhibition
Screening location
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / InsideART GALLERY
Holding period
June 25, 2014 (Wednesday) to July 14 (Monday)
Holding time
free entrance
David Lynch

From ART In GALLERY 6 May 25, began "David Lynch Exhibition" arranging the new prints and photographs of genius film director David Lynch, known for its own view of the world.
David Lynch in 1946 the United States Montana born. After the Academy of Fine Arts aims to painter, director of the "Eraserhead" to obtain a scholarship in 1977. Then, in 1980, "The Elephant Man", announced the like 1986 "Blue Velvet." Gained cult popularity in Surrealism Li stick of style, won the Cannes Film Festival Palme d'Or in "Wild At Heart" in 1990. 1989 - 1991 TV series "Twin Peaks" has recorded a hit all over the world. On the other hand, not only movies, paintings and photos from the time the young, such as animation and three-dimensional work, has continued its own expressive activity in a variety of ways Lynch. In 1989, it performs a solo show at the Leo Castelli Gallery, a large retrospective exhibition is successful in the Paris of the Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art in 2007. In Japan, Tokyo Higashidaka Museum of Contemporary Art in 1991, in recent years in 2012, a solo exhibition at the Laforet Museum Harajuku was held.
This time, in the second solo exhibition since 2012, series of photographs that were taken the prints of the machine and the rough workshop motif - the "NUDE ATELIER IDEM 2012", recent works with a focus on lithographic prints of 2012 and beyond will be introduced. Also exhibition that Lynch even 21_21 DESIGH SIGHT in Tokyo Midtown Garden is exhibit "Image Studio Exhibition" will be held (7 / 4-10 / 5).

The truth of the view the Khmer Rouge, which disappeared

2013 / Cambodia, France / 95 min / distribution = Uzumasa
The truth of the view the Khmer Rouge, which disappeared
Screening location
Euro Space
Screening period
July 5, 2014 (Sat) -
Screen time
More information about the screening schedule to theater
directed by
Rithy Panh
Christophe Bataille (text), Marc Maderu (music), Salis Man (puppet production), Pruem-Meza (shooting) In addition

In the euro space from July 5, internationally acclaimed Cambodian film director drew on the basis of the first real experience "disappeared view the Khmer Rouge of truth" is started.
Director Rithy Panh. In 1964, Phnom Penh was born, in the same way as many of the same generation, himself lost by hunger and overwork the parents and relatives in the forced labor camp by the Khmer Rouge. Panh who fled from the Khmer Rouge at the age of 13, graduated from the movie School of Paris and then emigrated to France. In the beginning that the era of photos and video Cambodian culture was gorgeous is had been discarded, so far, "Cambodia, Hazama in War and Peace," "elucidation of the massacre: opposite to 110 million of the mine 10 movies "such as" memory has been overseeing a number of documentary films on the theme of the one "is played.
The film is a work that Panh drew entrusted for the first time its own harsh life in soil doll, the stupidity and ugliness of human beings to be repeated, expressed in the exact opposite of delicacy and expressive doll with it. Dolls made from soil was buried the victims, began to talk about course of the 35 years before the massacre, the tragedy was going been Himotoka by excavation video -. Era that the world had become addicted to disco and the "Star Wars", what was happening in Cambodia. Boy who survived from the genocide of the Khmer Rouge at the age of 13 has been reached, the scene has never ever seen anyone?

The Dance of Reality

2013 / Chile, France / 130 minutes / Distributor: uplink / Parco / © photos Pascale Montandon-Jodorowsky © "LE SOLEIL FILMS" CHILE · "CAMERA ONE" FRANCE 2013
The Dance of Reality
Screening location
Screening period
July 12, 2014 (Sat) -
Screen time
More information about the screening schedule to theater
directed by
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Starring out
Burontisu-Jodorowsky, Pamela Flores, Jeremias Haas co Vitz, Cristobal Jodorowsky, Adan Jodorowsky, other

From July 12, in the uplink, "El Topo" new work of 23 years of director Alejandro Jodorowsky, known for "Holy Mountain" such as extreme artistic expression "Dance of Reality" is started.
1920s, Alejandro Jodorowsky of childhood is, under the parents and the military junta, which has been immigration from Ukraine Chile, he lived in Tokopija. And the father of the authoritarian and violent communist, also hoping want to be loved by my mother to believe that the reincarnation of Father Alejandro own, feel a lot of pressure, also, Alejandro is white is the skin is a Russian Jew because the nose was high, even at school bullied as "Pinocchio", I was suffering in the world and their own between .... Blue sky and the black sand beach, circus, school of fish that carried waves, red shoes in blue clothes. Jodorowsky directed to regenerate the family in the movie, the thought of to its own boyhood and family, in the vivid scenery of Chile, draw on reality and fantastic crossed fresh fancy.
And later lost a son in an accident in 1995, Jodorowsky supervision that have been thinking why make art. And tarot reading, also tackle supervision in their own psychotherapy called "Psycho Magic" is this talk about the work. "This is a movie to heal the soul of the people, by playing the family in the movie, was also in the movie heal my soul."

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