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The theme

Expected to a new appeal of the drama series actor team

現在、NHKでは連続テレビ小説「花子とアン」が日曜を除く毎朝8時から放送中。半年かけて主人公の半生記をじっくり追いかけるこのドラマが、忙しい朝に豊かさをもたらしてくれるひと時として、欠かせない15分になっている人も多いのでは? 何千人という応募者の中から、オーディションで選ばれることも多い歴代の主役陣。かつては岩下志麻さんや十朱幸代さん、最近では多部未華子さん、瀧本美織さんなどを輩出。またNHK朝ドラは1日15分とはいえ、半年間で全156話にも達するボリュームから、クランクインから休む暇がないほどのハードなスケジュールでも有名。その撮影時間の長さや台本のボリューム、丁寧な役作りから、若手俳優が演技力を鍛える格好の場としても知られる。 さて、皆さんはちょうど昨年の今頃に放送していた「あまちゃん」を覚えているだろうか。社会現象となったドラマから巣立った若手俳優陣が現在、続々と映画に登場し始めている。そこで今回は渋谷で公開予定の映画から、そんな「あまちゃん」で主演したアキ役の能年玲奈さん、アキの親友ユイ役の橋本愛さんの主演映画を紹介。また現在放送中の「花子とアン」に花子の夫役で出演する鈴木亮平さんの主演作も控える。話題を集めた朝ドラでは、役者にその役どころのキャラクターのイメージがつきやすいとも言われるが、新たな役を得た役者たちがどんな演技を見せてくれるのか。楽しかった「あまちゃん」な朝を思い返しながら、役者たちの幅広い魅力を新鮮な気持ちで探してみたい。

This Month Specials

Hot Road

2014 / Japan / 119 minutes / distribution = Shochiku / © 2014 "hot load" Production Committee © Taku Tsumugi / Shueisha
Hot Road
Screening location
Shibuya Shineparesu
Screening period
August 16, 2014 (Sat) -
Screen time
More information about the screening schedule to theater
directed by
Takahiro Miki
Starring out
Rena Nōnen, climbing Hiroshin, Yoshino Kimura, Ozawa TadashiEtsu, Ryohei Suzuki, Rina Ota, Seika Taketomi, Ochiai Motoki, Yuki Yamada, Machiko Washio, Toru Nomaguchi, Tsuyoshi Toshishige, Miyuki Matsuda, other

From August 16, in the Shineparesu, starring movie of Rena's actress Notoshi a collection of fresh acting is very popular in the "sweet-chan," "hot load" is started.
The original story, is serialized in separate Margaret until the following year from 1986, Yankee cartoon "hot load", which boasts a circulation of 7 million copies in all four volumes (Taku Tsumugi operation). Notoshi's 14-year-old girl, Miyaichi Kazuki play also not home mom and living one photo of his late father, is distressed that it is not in the child that I was born is desired. One day, I met remain night Shonan to be invited to the best friend, a boy of bad team that Nights, Hiroshi Haruyama. The beginning but which two did have each other hurt, Kazuki is attracted to rapidly Haruyama while remember the peace and confusion in the world is put yourself Haruyama, it is attracted to also purity of Kazuki Haruyama ーーー.
The film delicate heart pattern of puberty in which the Yankee Group in the background is one of the attractions. Guests can dive into the sea sing running or, one year from the acting per body has attracted many of the nation "Amachan". I hope in a new appeal of Mr. Notoshi as an actress.

Little Forest

2014 / Japan / 111 minutes / distribution = Shochiku Media Division / © "Little Forest" Production Committee
Little Forest
Screening location
Shibuya HUMAX Cinema
Screening period
August 30, 2014 (Sat) -
Screen time
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directed by
Junichi Mori
Starring out
Ai Hashimoto, Takahiro Miura, Mayu Matsuoka, warm water Yoichi, Karen Kirishima

From August 30 in the HUMAX cinema, the most recent starring role of Mr. Ai Hashimoto, who played the best friend Yui role of the heroine in the "sweet-chan," "Little Forest" is started.
The film of the long-selling comic was live-action film adaptation of Daisuke Igarashi. Hashimoto's is the play, the protagonist-sorceress which could not be find their whereabouts in the city. Return to his hometown of Yamamura "Komori", in the wilderness also show a variety of grace is one that gives us the severity, life of self-sufficiency. For Nikki reflects the beauty of the northeast of the four seasons that Yuku transitory in the shooting, for about one year, dared Oruroke in Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture. As a four-part series of spring, summer, fall and winter, day-to-day meal-cooking by taking advantage of seasonal ingredients that have been taken in the fields and hills and fields also becomes attractions.
In "Amachan" as a beautiful girl auditors yearn to Tokyo, Hashimoto's appearance was attractive to grow into an adult overcome a variety, such as the height of family and pride problem. Although Yui of "sweet-chan" had been frustrated for Tokyo many times, sorceress of the work is going from the city to the mountain village. I eat to live, make your own in order to eat. Do play a woman to live in different values ​​to any wind, it is to be fascinated by the simple appearance of Hashimoto's.


2014年/日本/116分/配給=日活/©2014INOUE SANTA/"TOKYO TRIBE" FILM PARTNERS
Screening location
Shibuya Shinekuinto
Screening period
August 30, 2014 (Sat) -
Screen time
More information about the screening schedule to theater
directed by
Sono Sion
Starring out
Ryohei Suzuki, YOUNG DAIS, Qing vegetables name, Shunsuke Daito, Takuya Ishida, Yui Ichikawa, KanoMika, Shoko Nakagawa, Ryuta Sato, Shota Someya, Denden, Kubozuka Yosuke, Riki Takeuchi

From August 30 in Shibuya Shinekuinto, "Hanako and Anne" in Mr. Ryohei Suzuki plays the husband Eiji Muraoka role of heroine starring film "TOKYO TRIBE" is published.
The original story SanFutoshi san worked Inoue, popular depicting the turf wars of the young people the future of Tokyo to stage comic "TOKYO TRIBE2". In Sakuchu, there are a variety of Tribe (family) is to "Tokyo" in the near future. Young people who live there, had kept the territory of each other while ruled the city in the violence. Suzuki is the play is, Mera to reign at the top of the "Bukuro WU-RONZ". Opponent auditors in the sea (Kai) belonging to the "Musashino SARU", which developed into a major conflict, chosen wrapper YOUNG DAIS plays in general audition. Starring two people are both showing off the wrap in the movie, in particular Mr. Suzuki that first challenge to the lap.
Suzuki to comedy the forced labor that we come a life in "Hanako and Anne" in the hero and nose and a three-legged race. Such as praise and even that of the nose to the "lazy", than many people are attracted to the refreshing smile and the atmosphere was aloof from the world? Such Suzuki, such as also appeared in "hot load" of Notoshi's starring as early as sought after. This camera auditors blonde wearing Yankee. Comedy from serious, want to have fun and Historical, a variety of role-making to show a wide range of genres.

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