Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

3 works CULTURE × SHIBUYA editing room is recommended

"Movie", "Art", such as "events," "Live," "stage", published in Shibuya, from the culture information that will be held, pick up the editorial department recommended.

The theme

It unvarnished appearance?

いよいよ2014年も師走に突入。この一年を振り返る特集がテレビや雑誌で続々と企画される中、その年の話題となった言葉を決定する新語・流行語大賞が発表された。年間大賞に選ばれた言葉は、お笑いコンビ・日本エレキテル連合の「ダメよ〜ダメダメ」と「集団的自衛権」。今年の安倍政権下で行われた、あまりに突然の「集団的自衛権」解釈変更、「NOときっぱり言えない日本人」の姿をシュールなコントで描き出した日本エレキテル連合と、いずれも不条理な現代日本のあり方を象徴した言葉ともいえるだろう。 今回は、現在渋谷で公開中・公開予定の映画作品の中から、「ありのままの姿であること・自分らしくあること」を訴える3作品をピックアップ。科学技術の進歩の果てに失われた自然の姿を取り戻す作品、社会のレッテルに葛藤しながらも自分自身の本当の気持ちに向き合う作品、世間の目に翻弄されながらも自分の生きる道を独自の方法で貫こうとする作品と、いずれも大切ながら、現代の日本社会では流されたり追いやられたりと曖昧になりがちな主題である。 年末には衆議院選挙も控えた日本。3作品を通し、自分自身とそれを取り巻く環境について、改めて考え直すきっかけにしてみてはいかがでしょうか。

This Month Specials

Dam Nation

2014 / USA / 87 min / Distributor: United People
Dam Nation
Screening location
Screening period
2014 November 22 (Sat) -
Screen time
More information about the screening schedule to theater
directed by
Control work
Stoecker Ecological & Felt Soul Media

Currently In the uplink, a documentary that followed the activities that appeal the demolition of unnecessary dam "Dam Nation" is the in public.
Also of the dam tens of thousands of groups that have been made across America. Some of them, by transforming the river, annihilated the fish, also called large dam that is not only able to provide a lower value in any of the power generation, irrigation and flood prevention, which is expected in spite of it. And it is taking a high economic burden for the maintenance of the dam. Focusing on the negative side of such dams, examples of "removal" is, in the United States has become to be seen. The film is a documentary that was captured in until the "dam removal" is told the norm, the challenge of people who have continued to demand the freedom of the river while being referred to as "crazy".
River also be likened to the earth of the blood vessels. Impact of dams on the river, to affect all of us living creatures. When the dam is removed, the river is released, it will recover to their own original appearance ---.
Through the life force and the beauty of the river, again notice to us the same work that human beings are just that part of nature. Production officer of Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard. Co-producer of underwater photographer in the ecologist Matt Stoecker.
Human beings have been confronted naturally by high technology. Come into view demolish the technology, and the river-sobering nature of the appearance of the truth?

coming out

2014 / Japan / 98 minutes / © 2014 movie "coming out" Production Committee
coming out
Screening location
Euro Space
Screening period
2014 November 29 (Saturday) to December 19 (Friday)
Screen time
directed by
Inudo Ichiri
Starring out
Naoto Takahashi Yu Okamura, summer cord, Yuko Takayama, Akiyama Kosuke (TooT Aki), Taiji Utagawa, Fumika Ichinose, Binbin Takaoka, Kaho Sugisaki addition

The took the megaphone is, Inudo Ichiri director born in Kanagawa Prefecture. Following the previous work "SRS♂ mundane of Futari ♀" depicting the love of gender identity disorder, was focused on the coming out of gay this time.
Hero and yang college students of gay. Although the unrequited love for raising the best friend in the circle of the classmate, also to circle fellow of the university, even family to live together, and hid it is gay. Only, they can remain in their own truth in Shinjuku chome of favorite hangout BarB ♭. Compared to the previous, sexual minorities also have been made to live easy era little by little, in addition to the friendship and love of the comrades, not exhausted the anxiety about the future, such as employment and marriage. The road to positive advances at the end of the conflict ....
While embracing somewhere complaints in mind, Inudo director that had felt the "unhealthy" for the modern can live in the flow Japan. Hero in Sakuchu is through the "appearance to face with yourself", me along with a new sense of value in such a modern society.

Message from the Kato-kun

2012 / Japan / 90 min / Distributor: Dongfeng / © fluff
Message from the Kato-kun
Screening location
Image Forum
Screening period
2014 December 6 (Saturday) ~
Screen time
directed by
Starring out
Kato Kokorozashikoto

From December 6 days in the Image Forum, "the message from Kato-kun," a documentary which won the Audience Award at the Image Forum Festival in 2012 is published.
The Kato-kun, Kato Kokorozashikoto's 1975 Gifu Prefecture, was born. To dream "to become a monster", while a contract employee of the hospital night shift office (at that time shooting), Kato, who is the activity to become a monster from a human. It takes 11 years, including the dropout period seven years to university graduates, with a speech on the day of the graduation ceremony, I declared that I will be monsters. It has continued to specter activities such as a conversation with Hanako's elephant of Inokashira Zoo.
The film, which was chasing his specter activities and human activities for two years. Director was born in 1982, Tama City, a native of fluff (fluff) 's, she called to make a movie was "a dream", the first time in production was the same work in a way that is invited to Kato's "Image Forum Festival 2012 "I won the audience Award.
In the same work, "I said it was wanted to take" the figure of Kato and grow to become a monster-kun ", fluff-san wanted to take" nothing, the figure of Kato-kun you are suffering as a human being "is Kato and coexistence to have. " 2 people dream of them overlap there edge, the work became a reality as a work. Toward the adults who have lost their dream, Kato cry today. "A dream come true! So I will specter! By our dreams, delivered!"

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