Shibuya culture project

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Shibuya of future talks about the KEY PERSON key person

Long interview of [key personnel] to be active mainly in the Shibuya. Place a "Shibuya of appeal" through their words.


李鳳宇(リ・ボンウ)さん 1960年京都府生まれ。朝鮮大学外国語学部卒業後、パリに遊学。89年にシネカノンを設立。現在の直営映画館は、渋谷シネ・ラ・セット、渋谷シネ・アミューズEAST&WEST、アミューズCQNシアター1・2・3、シネカノン有楽町、シネカノン神戸1・2など。映画プロデューサーとしても、初プロデュース作品「月はどっちに出ている」をはじめ、「ビリケン」「のど自慢」「ビック!ショー・ハワイに唄えば」「パッチギ!」「フラガール」「魂萌え!」など数多くの作品の製作を手がける。次作の「パッチギ!LOVE&PEACE」はアミューズCQN、シネカノン有楽町などで5月19日から公開予定。今年4月17日には、映画文化の発展に功績のあった人物などを顕彰する「第16回淀川長治賞」を受賞した。

アミューズCQNや渋谷シネ・アミューズなど、数多くのミニシアターを運営するシネカノンの李鳳宇さん。各館で個性的な作品を紹介し続ける一方、李さんは初プロデュース作品「月はどっちに出ている」(92年)を皮切りに、近年では大ヒット作「パッチギ!」(04年)など、映画プロデューサーとしても多くの作品を世に送り出してきました。その李さんの渋谷に対する思い、また5月19日公開予定の「パッチギ!LOVE&PEACE」の見どころなどを語っていただきました。When I think of trying to make a mini theater with the "Do not only Shibuya", I was intuition

- Please tell us why you thought trying to make a movie theater in Shibuya.

The first to make the movie theater was Shibuya Cine Amuse, which opened in December 1994. When considering the appropriate place to screening a unique movie of independent, it was intuition and "Do not only Shibuya". Why? At that time, already cinema rise and the euro space, such as Le Cinema of the Bunkamura, mini theater of the art systems have appeared, there was also that the views of the integrated effect. But, more important reason is the cultural circumstances of Shibuya. When a wide range of generations from the teens to the 40s has captured the city in the keyword to "play", the first to come to mind is probably Shibuya. This town, cinema and theater, live music, food and beverage outlets, are rooted in a variety of cultures that do not choose a generation. And 1000 seats or more of the concert hall, and a mini theater of less than 100 seats exist next to each other, if possible also to see the opera, I because also you will be watching minor Iranian movie. In that sense, cultural capacity of Shibuya, terribly wide. Once was, I was thinking a mini theater will also be accepted fully. So far, Shibuya Cine la set and Amuse CQN, also considering that it has come to expand the business, including dining options, including a "BAR CHE" and "the sky and the wind and the stars", is the idea I realize that was not wrong.

- Shibuya It's the town with a cultural uniqueness.

Also looking for a city such as Shibuya around the world, it can not be found so easily. Suffice it to mention, the two wards and six district of Paris, the neighborhood, such as sixteen wards, or would say that is a little similar. At least, it's not the same city in Japan. For example, although there are a number cultural facilities also Ginza, white to Nissay, white in Takarazuka, for there is none other than the major culture intended for the masses. Of course, in Shibuya, but such culture exists, it would also suffer from indie culture at the same time. 're Blessed with both sides, it said to Shibuya potential. So why Shibuya, this about what has become culturally rich city. Can be considered a variety of reasons, but it will be to a large presence of the Toyoko Line is one of them. Toyoko wayside leading to Yokohama has a high cultural level, I guess would not it have raised the cultural potential that such a population is likely to gather. This ahead, it will no doubt continue to be a town that Shibuya is to take the lead in Japanese culture.

I think I want you to continue to be in Shibuya, which is yearning from teenagers

- Among the Shibuya, what where personally your favorite place.

I I love the park. Among the Shibuya, especially Nabeshima Shoto Park favorite. Every year, without fail, we visited flower viewing. If there is a good size, cherry beautifully, made a leisurely on the bench, it is the perfect place to stroll. The other, also, such as Saigoyama park, walk well.

- In the future, do you need what is to further development Shibuya.

Shibuya is no doubt that it is supported by a wide range of generations, but this place does not deny also the impression you are a little biased to the young people. Given the aging population, to return calls the 40s and 50s I will be the future challenges. Because it is early when you go out of fashion because the city, I think that everyone that the business is on this issue in Shibuya should not be addressed in earnest. In, to be inevitable in adults, what to do. It is a difficult problem, but the one it may be necessary to relieve the congestion in front of the station of the scramble intersection. Shibuya on the terrain, without being dispersed people who got off the train station, and dense in that intersection. As an aside, a police officer in front of the station alternating is, "Do I is also a something festival today" to the people who came from the provinces, it so is asked dozens of times a month (laughs). As I, in the sight of the scramble intersection I think that is also the fun of Shibuya unique, but it seems to exist Zu who quite a few feel the discomfort hit with people. For example, such as providing a space to be dispersed in the underground and the sky, I think that there is no any way.

- In Shibuya, you would want to be any town or.

I'm still want to continue to be a yearning of the city for Japanese teenagers. The now of Shibuya There is also a negative image, but to dispel these factors, I think that I want to continue to place a positive factor that is full of freshness and lively. Toward it, but is a poor ability, I also I want to help.


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