# Shibrava? Exploring the charm of working, playing, and living in Shibuya


Shibuya city whether they spirited seen
We have gathered a lot of Korean love of people

Radio personality / moderatorMinshiru's


Kanagawa Prefecture, born in Fujisawa. Japanese, Korean, English trilingual. Runner-up at the International DJ contest of FM Yokohama in 1992. It belongs to the entertainment offices and Sandy, disc jockey and radio personality presenter, narrator, such as widely active. Especially recently I have done a MC in the Korean stars and movie-related events. Currently, serves as the narration of event80navi, MC and Korea Tame POP of Asian K-pop (both Tokyo FM) (Fuji TV TWO).

Trilingual DJ who manipulates Japanese, English and Korean, radio personality, Minzuru who plays an active part as a narrator. Recently, there has been an increase in work to convey Korean culture and entertainment centered on Shibuya, such as MC's at Korean events, and broadcasters of Shibuya Hikarie 's campus broadcasters, Korean language speakers, and opportunities for bridging say. This time, we welcome Mr. Minshiru to the bar along the Shibuya River, which is used as a classroom of Korea salon "M-STYLE", and listen to the story from the background of DJ debut to the recent arrival of the Korean boom. Yes.

Word from Katsuya Kobayashi to respect that changed life

- Please tell me the history of the up to his current work.

Paintings and piano from an early age, and doing vocal, was soaked with themselves in Western since I was a junior high school. In the heyday of those days 80s, Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Michael Jackson, something Deyuran-Deyuran is especially favorite. Best Hit USA is a DJ you are the most respected Katsuya Kobayashi watching without missing even now. And I want to be able to speak English under the influence of Western, by the time you went to junior college I had considered in earnest to study abroad, not compete at home and financial situation. After graduating, what time that was wondering what to, I tried to participate if there is event to experience the navigator in the J-WAVE. And it is very fun, I think, "This is it!", I began to dream of a DJ, not know how can I do specifically, standstill of state was continued.

- And then, how to do it went the way of the DJ.

The origin of the Minshiru Mr. DJ, International DJ contest of venue "Pacifico Yokohama".

そんなとき、FMヨコハマでDJコンテストがあることを知り、まったくの素人ながら、カセットデッキやCDプレイヤーを使って10分間の自作のテープをつくり、応募してみました。テープの審査が通って本選に進むと、プロアマ問 わず、ということでしたが、私以外の全員が何らかの経験者。これは場違いな場所に来てしまった……と思いましたが、せっかくだから思い切って演じました。このときの審査員長は、なんと私が大尊敬する小林克也さん。会えただけでも参加してよかったなと思って満足していたら、小林さんから「君は何かやっていたの?」と聞かれ、「全く経験がありません」と答えたら、「君は絶対にできるからプロになりなさい」と言われて本当にびっくり。コンテストでも準優勝をして、それから本気でDJを目ざすようになったんです。

The width of the work has spread with the advent of the Korean boom

- So you life has changed in Mr. Kobayashi of the word.

That's right. So anyway and have to study the basic, attended once a week to announce the Academy, there is a audition at Last Lecture, now, now that you belong to the entertainment firm called Sandy that belong. After that, it had been a simple job of one-off, we have it good luck to as much after one year in charge of the special program of 2 hours of TOKYO FM. Then little by little spread the width of the work at the center of the radio program, it may be in charge of around 1995, in Kitakyushu of cross FM of the show called "Pop-of-Asia" MC. South Korea and Taiwan, Hong Kong, but was a program to play music, such as Okinawa, at the time was another flow entirely to the music scene in Japan. Became the the turning point is the advent of the Korean drama boom. My parents will speak normally Korean because the Korean people originally. For this reason, the event moderator and MC the Korean entertainer to visit Japan, the work of such interpretation is now coming more and more came. Initially I was glad to popular is Korean drama, but it was thought until truly music and Do will not be accepted in Japan. It is now, as it is the genre of K-POP, have been working a lot of Korean musicians in Japan, I'm very surprised.

You are also in charge of the on-site broadcast of -Shibuya Hikarie.

Yes, Japanese, English, Korean and Chinese on-site broadcasts will flow when Shibuya Hikarie opens and closes. It is a broadcast like "Thank you for visiting us today. We look forward to seeing you again". I am in charge of the Korean language. I was asked to translate Japanese, but when I translated it straight, I felt a bit uncomfortable, so I arranged and imagined what kind of broadcast would flow in a Korean department store. Because Korean is faster in tempo than Japanese, adjusting the speed was a bit more difficult.
You have a chance, please try to listen to all means broadcast of Korean. So you can hear my achievements of the struggle (laughs).

When “ Shibuya Hikarie ” opens and closes, Korean language broadcasts by Minshiru will be played.

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