# Shibrava? Exploring the charm of working, playing, and living in Shibuya


Is possible to provide a "place" is their work joy
The goal is to create a creative hotel in Shibuya

Party Company Chairman of the Board / hyper Inter Nets representative director creatorKazuma Ieiri


1978 Fukuoka Prefecture Munakata was born. But was a lively child, isolated from the tangle of relationships with friends in junior high school age, send a day-to-day personal computer samadhi becomes a withdrawal and dropped out of high school. After experiencing a newspaper scholarship, design company worked 2001 joint-stock company Madame planning through, etc. (now:., Inc. paperboy & co) established, launch the retail rental server at home "lollipop!". 2008 JASDAQ listing. In March 2010, retired as the company representative director CCO, Ltd. was established party company that revolves around the restaurant business. Open the composite space "SUNDAY ISSUE" of gallery space and a lounge bar in July of the same year, also features a headquarters function. In January 2011, it established a hyper inter Nets, which operates a micro-patron-platform "Campfire", just to start the service from June of the same year.


To create a cafe for employees noticed fun to provide a "place"

- Founded the party company, is history began a cafe management?

株式会社paperboy&co.(以下、ペパボ)でウェブ関係の仕事をしていたとき、お客さんはモニターの向こう側にいたため、リアルに触れ合うことができませんでした。そこに一抹の寂しさというか、実感のなさがあり、お客さんと直接会える「飲食店をやってみたい」という思いがあったんです。親がカフェを経営していた影響も、多少はあったのかもしれません。最初は、社員食堂的に使えばいいやと、ペパボのオフィスがあったセルリアンタワーの近くにHI.SCORE Kitchen(ハイスコアキッチン)というカフェをつくりました。すると、社員や友人のほかにも一見のお客さんがたくさん来るようになり、「ごはんが美味しいね」「内装がかっこいい」といった嬉しい声が聞こえてきて、「場所」を提供することの面白さを知り、飲食店の経営にはまっていったという感じです。ハイスコアキッチンを始めてから3年ほどが経ち、現在は渋谷や中目黒、吉祥寺などに6軒のカフェやレストランを展開しています。

- Will concept is changing by the shop.

Classic black sheet, such as the center of the watch is distinctive on-the-corner-store.

Consider the property and regional characteristics, it has the image of a meal and music and interior. For example, ON THE CORNER (on-the-corner) is, in the building was originally the old office building, taking advantage of the cool of the old felt, it was in the cafe of the image of a diner in New York. I, I like Diner in New York. Next to that grandpa is quietly sipping coffee, young people are drinking beer To noisily. I think I'm a good miscellaneous atmosphere that many people gather. Speaking of such stores in Japan, it would be a family restaurant. So, on-the-corner it has become a "cool family restaurant" because the theme, does not have a 24-hour, open from 9:00 o'clock the next two. In the future, also in the provinces, such as Kyoto and Fukuoka, there is also a feeling that you want to expand on-the-corner. And then anyone without reluctant, then you can reason to go to play in the region ... (laughs). In half a joke because, since it was originally challenge of how to work up to that cafe business for me also passable in a different industry, or Spoken also in other regions, it is a strong desire to try a new challenge.

New service creators collected money and fan at the same time

- After listing the Pepabo, Why did you immediately retired as president?

I was surprised and "Why Though I was listed", was also received rebuked from various people. However, listed for me is not a goal, because "had been listed If you notice," was the honest feelings. Founded by the company and from the founder and walk the same road. But it is happy if the road is much more consistent, in the case of me, I noticed that go away is what the goals of their own is a founder and the direction of the company in the middle. It may have can also adjust the direction of the company to my thinking, but it is not necessarily the happiness for the company and employees. That's why such decision has left the president immediately after the listing. Now, every day, maybe I have muttered that love selfish on Twitter, you were president of the truly listed companies, was not able to do that. The now of the environment that can challenge new things as soon came up in a free position and am very satisfied.

- Or in the Pepabo era and now, the attitude and thinking for the work it has changed?

Web of work, if you try to do, but you can also have all of the business such as the development and design by yourself alone, in the case of a cafe, does not go so. In the past, to experience or to the service in the hall or into the kitchen did not have any, do not know also of the law. My role is, that convey the image, such as meals and interior, rest have felt in various situations that will make up with the help of a lot of the staff, there it is also fun. Also web customers, extreme story, but there is a possibility that spread all over the world, in the case of the café has been decided is a limit of "unit price × number of seats × speed". How that or go close to the upper limit, enjoys also the difference of the business model of the web.

- Please tell us about the newly launched "CAMPFIRE (campfire)".

Was site opened in June 2011, "CAMPFIRE". New business to support and implement the creative ideas.

Micro-patron-platform "CAMPFIRE (Camp Fire)" is, recruited a small support to creative ideas on the net, artist is not the money, that return by the excitement and experience, is a new mechanism nor investment in debt . That where the service called "kick-starter" of the United States as a reference, is an innovative service that collected money and fan at the same time. So far, but Art is the relationship of the project is large, never not mean that focus on art, now You have to put the power to project of disaster relief, even rocket eventually Ms. Takafumi Horie has been working on the project It is scheduled to be handled. That blast off into space the name of the person who is ultimately support is engraved on the rocket, is downright romantic project. Has not yet been posted only a project of just in about 10 started, will continue to support with the future increase the more the number, the large-scale projects in terms of the amount of money.

Set up a store of - "NO.8 BEAR POND ON THE CORNER" subway Exit 13, on the first floor in Yoshitake park across the street. Gallery space on the second floor of the same building, book corner, complex space "SUNDAY ISSUE" and the lounge bar is fused, share office "partyground", also features such as party company in the head office functions.

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