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Short film festival "Short Short Film Festival & Asia 2019" held free screening

International Short Film Festival “Short Short Film Festival & Asia 2019” from May 29 (Wed) to June 16 (Sun), Shibuya Hikarie, iTSCOM STUDIO & HALL Futako Tamagawa Rise, Omotesando Hills Space O, Shibuya・ It will be held at several venues in Tokyo, such as Shidax Culture Hall.

俳優・別所哲也さんが米国で出会った「ショートフィルム」を、日本に紹介したいとの想いから1999年に東京・原宿で誕生。2001年には名称を「ショートショート フィルムフェスティバル(SSFF)」とし、2004年に米国アカデミー賞公認映画祭に認定。また同時に、アジア発の新しい映像文化の発信・新進若手映像作家の育成を目的とし、「SSFF & ASIA(ショートショート フィルムフェスティバル アジア)」として映画祭を開催している。20周年を迎えた昨年2018年の来場者数は22,301人を数えた。

▲ Representative of the film festival Tetsuya Bessho

The theme for this year, which will be in the 21st year, is "Cinematic Attitude", and will be screened in each section and special program focusing on works that reflect "culture and society" with a strong authorship. For the festival, Mr. Bessho "The film festival will be on a new stage with the new era when the era changes, and will be a new project focused on online film festival development, female film makers, and young creators under the age of 25. We hope you will look forward to this year's international film festival, which will lead to the future of film and film, this year's comment.

There are approximately 10,000 entries from over 120 countries and regions this year, and about 200 works selected for each category, such as "Japan Division", "Asia International Division", "International Division", "Non-fiction Division" and "CG Animation Division" Free screenings at several venues in Tokyo (some events pay).

Among them, the four awards for the Japan category, the Asia international category, the international category, and the nonfiction category will be nominated candidates for the short film category for the next year. Also, one of the Grand Prix (George Lucas Award) is selected from the four awards for excellence. The jury members will be film director Tomoko Ando, actress Rina Katase, Show Me Shorts Film Festival (New Zealand), festival director Gina DeLabarca, actress Nakae Yuri, and actor Nagase Masatoshi.

コンペティション以外では、渋谷ヒカリエで5月29日(水)にEXILE HIROさんとSSFF & ASIA代表・別所哲也さん、EXILEや三代目 J SOUL BROTHERSなどに歌詞を提供する作詞家·小竹正人さんの3人による詩と音楽、映像を一つに融合したプロジェクト「CINEMA FIGHTERS project」から、完成した最新2作品の上映会が開かれる。当日はEXILE AKIRAさん、佐藤大樹さんをゲストに迎え舞台挨拶も行われる(料金2000円)。

First release of team Viktor's latest short film

In addition, on June 8 (Saturday) at Omotesando Hills Space O, "Team Vise presents the future map of short films vol. 2" will be held. The team short film is released by actor Saito Saito, pin entertainer Nagano and musician Takahiko Noko, and video director Yasuhiko Shimizu. After the screening, there will be a talk session with "Team Vise" (a fee of 3,000 yen).

In addition, in the program unique to Shibuya, the "Shibuya Diversity Program" will be held, in which a short film piece with the image of "Diversity and Inclusion", which is the enlightenment activity of the City Basic Plan, will be screened at once. My work asked me to take care of my elder sister with a disability, "I'm alone" with an unfocused feeling (Florence Lafond / 11: 30 / Canada / Drama / 2017), a spinal cord injured and paralyzed body, its reality A work group that lives in a manner like oneself while recognizing various values such as "Loss the sense" (Andrew Reid / 20: 00 / US / Drama / 2018) that thinks of one's own value once while facing each other will be different.

In addition, the "online venue" where people who can not go to the venue can experience the charm of short films has been set up, and a lineup unique to the film festival including the first films released in Japan will be distributed free of charge. New projects will also be held, such as the "Ladies for Cinema Project," which supports women's film makers, and the "U-25 project," which focuses on young directors under the age of 25.

ショートショート フィルムフェスティバル & アジア 2019
○ Held: May 29 (Wed)-June 16 (Sun)
〇上映:渋谷ヒカリエ、iTSCOM STUDIO & HALL 二子玉川ライズ、表参道ヒルズ スペース オー、アンダーズ 東京 Andaz Studio、シダックス・カルチャーホール、赤坂インターシティコンファレンス, the AIR< ※開催期間は各会場で異なる。
○ Charge: Free screening ※ There are some paid events.
〇 Official:
Organized by: Short Short Executive Committee / Short Short Asian Executive Committee
* Film Festival Representative: Mr. Tetsuya Bessho
Festival ambassador: LiLiCo (movie commentator)

正 The film festival director Masatoshi Higashino guest appearances on Shibuya's radio "Shibuya culture project" (5/8 broadcast)!

左 Left: West editor-in-chief of the personality Shibuya Keizai Shimbun Right) Mr. Shogo Tono, director of the film festival

5月8日(水)15:30〜16:00放送の渋谷のラジオでは、同映画祭ディレクター。東野正剛(とうの・せいごう)さんがゲスト出演し、今年の「ショートショート フィルムフェスティバル & アジア2019 」についてじっくりとお話をしていただきました。併せてラジオのオンエア( check).

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