Shibuya culture project

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What is “HELLO neo SHIBUYA”?

The characters “HELLO neo SHIBUYA” that you can see around Shibuya Station since November. It's a huge flag, a poster, or a digital signage.

▲ Poster displayed on the east exit underground plaza

▲ A flag hanging on the urban core of SHIBUYA SCRAMBLE SQUARE, which opened on November 1

What is this “HELLO neo SHIBUYA”?

Actually, this is the theme of “Shibuya no Machibiraki” Around Shibuya Station, large-scale redevelopment work is said to be done once every 100 years until 2027. However, this fall, the year before the Olympics, SHIBUYA SCRAMBLE SQUARE(11/1 opening), Shibuya PARCO (11/22 opening), Tokyu Plaza Shibuya (12/5 opening) followed by the rush to open large commercial facilities. A major milestone in development work. Therefore, it is a campaign to enliven the whole city by regarding this timing as “Machibira-ki” when “the appeal of new Shibuya is born one after another”. Sponsors include UR City Organization, which is responsible for infrastructure development around the station, Shibuya Station Area Management Council, Nikken Sekkei, Tokyu Gas, Tokyu, Tokyu Land, and PARCO. Each shopping street is a special cooperation, and Shibuya-ku is a sponsor.

Then why is “NEO SHIBUYA” instead of “NEW SHIBUYA” even though the “New Shibuya” area is open?

NEO is a word that means “new” in Greek, but when used in English, it is used as a prefix by attaching it to another word such as “Neoclassic”, “Neofascism”, “Neo Dada”, “Neoromanticism”, etc. It is done. The difference with new is that new means "unprecedented" or "totally new", whereas in the case of neo, "followed from the past, and further evolved and changed" Means. In short, “NEO SHIBUYA” is not reborn into a completely new Shibuya, but can be said to include the message “I will show you Shibuya that has evolved further while following history and culture”.

▲ Temporary fence art wall for Shibuya PARCO rebuilding (June 2018)

The other is Kakihiro Otomo's comic work “AKIRA”. During the construction of the new "Shibuya PARCO", the work scene of "AKIRA" was drawn as an art wall on a temporary fence, but it became a big topic, but the 2020 Tokyo Olympics will be refrained in the next year while it is a work 37 years ago The setting in Tokyo in 2019 will synchronize perfectly with our current situation. After the collapse of a huge city with a new bomb, it was “NEO TOKYO” that was born as a new capital. “NEO SHIBUYA” can be said to be a playful naming conscious of it.

Now, it turns out that this is a stuffy theme, but what is it actually going to do?

▲ Photo: Illumination of Miyamasuzaka last year. This year, the “HELLO neo SHIBUYA” campaign will light up the illuminations in Shibuya.

“HELLO neo SHIBUYA”のキャンペーンの一環として、11月、12月の2カ月間にわたって渋谷のまち全体で「まちびらきイベント」が開催される。主なイベントは、道玄坂、ハチ公前広場、宮益坂、渋谷川、さくら坂、中央街、公園通りなどで実施されるイルミネーション「SHIBUYA WINTER ILLUMINATOIN 2019〜2020 COLLECTIONS」(11月5日〜12月31日)や、渋谷ストリーム、渋谷川沿いの遊歩道「渋谷リバーストリート」で実施されるアートイベント「STREAMing VIBES」(10月26日〜12月25日)、総勢50人の若手クリエーターが「渋谷」をテーマにした作品を制作し、カフェやギャラリー、商業施設など渋谷の街の様々なスペースに展示を行う「シブカル祭。2019」(11月1日〜12月31日)など、イルミやアートイベント。 さらに異色なところでは、渋谷スクランブルスクエアや渋谷フクラス、渋谷パルコ等、新しい商業施設などでポケモンと一緒に写真撮影するフォトコンテスト「『Pokemon GO』 ARフォトコンテスト」(11月28日〜12月25日)など、渋谷のまち全体を使った回遊イベントが目白押しだ。

★ “HELLO neo SHIBUYA” official website:

With the opening of SHIBUYA SCRAMBLE SQUARE and Shibuya Fuclas, pedestrian decks and urban cores around the station have been improved, making it easier to transfer and move than before. Also, the park street side, which was quiet for a while, will surely be a lively new life with the opening of Shibuya PARCO. The season is getting colder, but why don't you enjoy the new Shibuya City Walk with a cold protection?

Editorial department · Fuji Itakashi

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