Shibuya culture project

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Online event venue "Virtual Shibuya" that you can experience from home With Corona How to enjoy entertainment in the era

With the spread of the new coronavirus, economic and cultural activities have been restricted, and Shibuya, the source of live entertainment, has been hit hard. Under such circumstances, "Virtual Shibuya", a distribution platform authorized by Shibuya City, which allows you to hold and participate in various events while at home, will open on virtual SNS "cluster" on May 19, 2020. .

"Shibuya 5G Entertainment Project" organized by KDDI, Shibuya Mirai Design, Shibuya Tourism Association, etc. At "Virtual Shibuya," which reproduces the streets around Shibuya Station such as Shibuya Scramble Crossing and SHIBUYA109, you can enjoy the events and contents that were traditionally held in Shibuya daily, such as artist live performances, art exhibitions, and talk events. You can participate and experience at "Virtual Shibuya" using smartphones, PCs, VR devices, etc. Using your own avatar, you can freely walk around the venue, share the same space with other spectators, and enjoy interactive online events.

At the opening event on May 19th, SEKAI NO OWARI “DJ LOVE” who is a “Ghost in the Shell” fan, Anju Katrina and Wakatsuki will also be the PR of the latest animation series “Ghost in the Shell SAC_2045”. Chika, Naohiro Ukawa and others have appeared as avatars. A live talk event will be held with the theme of "Charm of the Ghost in the Shell" as a venue at the "Virtual Shibuya" scramble intersection.

Regarding the new initiative, the head of Hasebe in Shibuya Ward said, "Since the infection of the new coronavirus is spreading, we are in a situation where we are inconvenienced, so we need solutions and movements that are unique to Shibuya. The second Shibuya. I think that Virtual Shibuya has infinite possibilities. We will continue to challenge Shibuya to become a pioneer in sustainable culture, not to overcome this situation. "

In the future, Shibuya-ku co-sponsored project "SOCIAL INNOVATION WEEK SHIBUYA 2020 (SIW)" will be held in November using the platform.

Opening event "# Shibuya Ghost in NIGHT by au 5G"
○ Theme: The Ghost in the Shell Beginner Course and the "Ghost in the Shell SAC_2045" are amazing!
○ Hour: May 19, 2020 19: 00-19: 45
○ Performers: Chinatsu Wakatsuki, SEKAI NO OWARI “DJ LOVE”, Naohiro Ukawa, Ange Katrina
Participation: ParticipationFrom here
* Participation is possible from VR devices, smartphones, PC / Mac.
* The event will be broadcast on YouTube Live and Shibuya 5G Entertainment Project official Twitter at the same time.

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