Shibuya culture project

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[Report] children were also stimulated adult "workshop exposition for the children."

Workshop collection 11 in Shibuya
○ held: August 28, 2015 (Sat) 29 (Sun)
○ Venue: New Nanpeidai Tokyu building / Shibuya TOD building, Shibuya-ku, 11 satellite venue
○ hours: 10:00 to 17:00 (Shibuya TOD building 12: 00-)
○ Organizer: CANVAS
○ official:Http://

August 28 (Saturday), two days of August 29 (Sun), workshop exposition for Children "workshop collection 11 in Shibuya" was held. The main venue is not far from the Metropolitan Expressway Shibuya Inter "new Nanpeidai Tokyu building" and (Dogenzaka 1-21-2) "Shibuya TOD Bill" (Dogenzaka 1-21-14). Actually two buildings here, I office building that has been decided is demolition.

The top photo shows, new Nanpeidai but is the state of the entrance Tokyu building, as you can see, free painting Unlimited there before and demolition!

Nante graffiti in the office, whether there once in a lifetime? Because it you can throughout the venue, adults and children also excited! Use up to the building, which became a rattle 1F~10F (new Nanpeidai Tokyu building up to 9F), and a selection of workshops that has been collected from all over the country are deployed in each floor, a child is, of course, even the attendant of adults enjoy together, is such a wonderful event. This time I would like to report the state of the event, which was held at the end of August.
Marks the 11th "Workshop Collection" is reputed as high as "the world's largest children's creative events" from home and abroad, the annual event of the summer vacation every year a lot of parents and children look forward to. What in the past, because say was recorded 100,000 visitors in two days, surprise. One of the charm of the other two buildings the main venue, Shibuya Ward Komorebi Owada Library, NHK Studio Park, such as nine locations becomes a satellite venue, it has been held the workshop concurrently this year. For example, the co-working space, which is one of the satellite venue "Co-ba shibuya (Kobashibuya)", was also carried out a full-fledged dais such as "storyteller Association for Children".
First of all, the first in the venue was visited "New Nanpeidai Tokyu Building". Venue map is prepared to immediately place on the entrance, is the idea that over a workshop spread to 1F~9F hanging it from the neck.

It was toward the first thing, "rounded the newspaper, jellyfish group, squid's, Let's make! The octopus's" tool workshop called.
To use the paint of the bond and pastel colors, the apron is passed, work starts while receiving a description of the staff! The way, parents are admirably jellyfish and octopus while help was completed. Work until the paint is dry, let me for a while placed. To the next workshop in the meantime.

向かったのは「木の粘土でストラップを作る」ワークショップです。 廃材を元に作られた粘土だそうで、嗅ぐと鉛筆のほのかな匂い。その粘土を用意された型に手でグイグイ押し込んでストラップを作るのですが、型にはめるのに意外に力がいるため、参加対象は3歳ぐらいから。
Chinami Yes this clay, into the hand in such as Tokyu Hands. Dry texture will feel the wood carving of feeling, there was a very strange taste.

In its close to the booth, I met parents and children are making the Rainbow Room with a serious look. While a combination of rubber band (rubber ring), the Rainbow Room for creative and original bracelets are now very popular among children in elementary school.
Within the venue, such as the costume made of rubber are also on display, great work motivation as "such a thing also I can Tsu ~" has been inspired by.

After traveling around looking at one way, this time next to the "Shibuya TOD building". Move between the two buildings of the building is not less than a minute walk, it is grateful for the parents with a small child.
訪れたのは「くす玉作り」のワークショップ。 くす玉は手のひらサイズと小さなものですが、そこに色紙やシールを貼って、パカッと開けた時に中から装飾が飛び出す仕掛けのため、意外と制作に時間が取られる作業。順番を待っている間、主催者の方が子ども達に絵本の読み聞かせをしてくれる、粋な計らいも。 見た目はなんともない玉ですが、子どもにとっては宝物。時間をかけ作り終えた達成感も加わり、中身がパッと出た瞬間、大はしゃぎで作った喜びをかみしめていました。

Workshop last headed for is called "Let's experience the space art!". In the space that spread Shibuya of high-rise buildings to the outside of the window, untimely Art in here and there with the whole child and the adult body, it is such that wage a graffiti exhilarating itself! Look out the window, together also harmony with the Shibuya of high-rise buildings, dynamic and powerful paint had been waged.
こどものクリエイティビティを刺激するこの取り組みは、「CANVAS」というNPOが中心となり、多くのボランティアの方々の協力もあって毎年開催されています。 各階には自由に飲めるウォーターサーバーも設置してあって、子どもを持つ親としてはありがたい心づかい。ワークショップの参加には数百円の材料費のかかるものが多くありましたが、子どもたちの工作意欲と達成感を目にすると幾らでも出してあげたくなるのが親心。中には、両日とも参加したというという声も。確かに100以上もあるワークショップ、小さい子どもを連れて巡るのは大変ですよね。2日かけて楽しむ親子が多いのも納得です。

Unfortunately, people who were not able to participate this time, because it is that of the also scheduled to be held next summer, please wait a while until the next year. In addition, Mr. a is CANVAS, so we plan from time to time various workshops around the country, it is recommended that you check the official website.

CANVAS official HP

Daikanyama sunflower

NPO corporation "Himawari Daikanyama" to be based in Daikanyama. Belong to mom's writer will deliver the Shibuya information.

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