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Futuristic bookstore HMV & BOOKS TOKYO its 2. ~ Store manager interview

加藤智晴さん(HMV&BOOKS TOKYO統括店長)
1999年にHMV JAPAN(HMV数寄屋橋)入社。HMV新宿SOUTH、HMV池袋サンシャイン60通りを経て、2006年にHMV渋谷店に3年間配属。その後、HMVららぽーと豊洲、HMV横浜VIVREを経て、HMV ONLINEに配属。2011年にONLINE SHOPのエルパカBOOKSを立ち上げ、今回、2015年11月19日オープンのHMV&BOOKS TOKYOの統括店長となる。

2015年11月、渋谷に「HMV&BOOKS TOKYO」がオープン。書籍を中心に、音楽、映像、雑貨、イベントなどを展開する複合ショップである。今回は、HMVの新業態である「HMV&BOOKS TOKYO」の第一号店である当店の統括店長・加藤智晴さんに、ショップの魅力についてじっくりとお話を聞いた。

■ the "live feel" to cherish, in a location that get carrying the foot every day.

_ To come back is HMV in Shibuya, ecstatic dancing to have Some think How can fans, in order to store openings in this new format, the time I opened the first store in Shibuya, there is something reason Is it?
ご存知の通り、HMVは2010年に閉店するまで20年間にわたり、渋谷の地で営業を続けてきました。今回、「HMV&BOOKS TOKYO」という新業態のショップを出店するに当たって、渋谷はもちろん、都内の主要地域をはじめ、全国の主要都市で検討しておりましたが、文化の発信地である渋谷にオープンしたいという気持ちが強く、渋谷の地で第一号店がオープンできたのは、本当に嬉しく思っています。私自身もHMV渋谷が閉店するまでの3年間、そちらのショップにおりましたし、感慨深いものがありますね。

_ The future, whether this new business is of a plan to expand in Japan?
Yes. Japan in 2018, has been the goal of expansion of 10 stores around the major cities.

_ In Shibuya, there used specializes in analog record · CD "HMV record shop Shibuya" is also in Udagawacho, and say HMV's, but is absolutely the strong image of the "music", dare this time, the "BOOKS" not opened a shop that was laid in the center?

The reason for laid the book on the spindle is because the merchandise that this was considered to be the core that leads to all things. CD of the book in the wake, DVD, miscellaneous goods, will lead to the quotient material, such as Lawson ticket, in other words, when going to the transmission of information to customers, considered all of the tag line is to the present, this new business category was born. The shop concept has set a "LIVE BOOK STORE, LIVE MUSIC STORE, LIVE MOVIE STORE", the "LIVE" as referred to here, first of all, is that going to hold some sort of event every day. In 5F entrance of it has developed a corner of "A Day in the Life." Here is provided with a shelf to change the deployment every day, it has become a department that can be enjoyed in the always fresh feeling Customers who carry the foot every day. Always in motion, in other words, we are in because important "live feel".


内沼さんは、渋谷モディさんの5〜7Fのフロア全体のコーディネーターとしてご尽力いただき、他テナントとのフロア構成について、渋谷モディさん、内沼さん、そして、HMV&BOOKS TOKYOのスタッフの三位一体で検討し、HMV&BOOKSのコンセプトを体現できる環境づくりを行いました。HMV&BOOKS店舗の構成や商品セレクトなどはHMV&BOOKSスタッフが主導になり協議を重ねましたが、内沼さんには、コーナーやゾーンの考え方において、お知恵やアドバイスを頂きました。

_ Shibuya Modi's specifically what did you our cooperation in terms from?
「HMV&BOOKS TOKYO」の店舗を見ていただくと分かる通り、店内にいくつかのテナントが入っています。たとえば、生命保険の「保険テラス」さんですとか、カフェスタンド「あかりまど」さんですとか。そして、「保険テラス」さんの隣には「家」コーナーが、「あかりまど」さんの隣には「日本の旅と文学」コーナーを設置しており、フロア全体がコンセプト/コーナーを元にテナントミックスされたつくりとなっています。全国的にもなかなかない形態だと思うのですが、これは渋谷モディさんのご協力によるところが大きく、大変感謝しています。

_では、これから全国に展開する10店舗は、「HMV&BOOKS TOKYO」と同じフロア構成になるとは限らないということですか?
そうですね。HMV&BOOKS TOKYOの状況も鑑みながら、フロア構成などは店舗によって変わってくるのではないかと思います。

■ we can provide a place to meet with celebrities, such as writers, our strengths.

_ As a store in Shibuya, but I think there is a part to be aware of the Shibuya in terms of selection, please tell us about that point.
I think that can be seen and you'll look at the Shibuya Modi, from 1F to 4F are lined by shops such as apparel and accessories, among them, shop for women has become a center. Therefore, our shop we also consciously display for women. For example, the corner of the "man and woman" in the center of love, accomplishment Toka is a woman, you have to arrange the quotient material of what women such as fashion relationship is preferred. Also among the women, Shibuya than family, we believe that either and do not women of women and single often work with say, place the specific gravity, such as in fashion magazines and gift book to be aware of that point, assortment to have as to the.

In terms of _ "Shibuya as a tourist destination visited by foreigners who", any one of those also that it devised a shop building.
5F to introduce Japanese culture of "Books on Japan", there is a corner of Books, which was also rich in fairly volume basis, but this has just made aware of the inbound demand. Of English next to the corner "and Gaba." Mr. but I Irassharu entered as a tenant, "and Gaba." I also piled up consultation, initially, eliminating the partition between the store that was separated by, "and Gaba. in the "'s shop let me put a bookshelf also I was allowed to the same environment creation. In a place called inbound correspondence, also store tablet or in English-speaking, corner name and shelves name, it is all the partition plate Japanese, English, to be displayed in Chinese. Especially under .. carrying your feet of Asia, mainly in China, it is actually even higher sales of duty-free sales.

Also Shibuya terms of as _ "epicenter of pop culture," Are you aware of the selection?
of course! 7F has created a corner of "pop culture" in, such as the comic light novel and anime, Japan has developed world-class the "pop culture" in the form of the media mix. Here we are also featured in the "Shibuya-kei".

_先ほど、イベントを毎日開催しているとおっしゃっていましたが、そういった点でも、「HMV&BOOKS TOKYO」から文化を発信するという気概みたいなものを感じとることができるのですが。
Gathered a lot of people, something new culture is born from here, I wanted to be in such a place. So far, because it does not even off the event one day from the time of the open, in this vein, first for one year, except holiday shop our goal because we have held the event every day.

_ It is not a net, but it is also the strength of realistic store.
That's right. Because you and writers and artists, is more of a celebrity such as talent can provide a place to meet face-to-face is, I feel that is our strength. If you come in here, always something to doing interesting events, there is a new encounter and discovery. The 7F, it may also stage to perform live, satellite studio that can live and Public Recording of InterFM897 "FM897 SHIBUYA STUDIO" is also on-site, but also promote cooperation with the events at the store. So we are proud and also around the satellite studio has become a funny department building, by all means, I want you to see.
"Books on Japan" next to the corner, such as tenant of the English School is the hotel, tenant mix and the main axis of the "book" is a big feature of the floor structure.

Yes Opening hours: 11:00 to 23:00 / Irregular
Yes Address: Shibuya-ku, Jinnan 1-21-3 Shibuya Modi 5F · 6F · 7F
〇Tel : 03-5784-3270
〇 Official:Http://

未来型書店HMV&BOOKS TOKYO その1.〜新しい出合い・発見ができる、複合エンタメショップの誕生!(2015/12/23)

Taga well Rie (sunflower Daikanyama)

NPO corporation "Himawari Daikanyama" to be based in Daikanyama. Belong to mom's writer will deliver the Shibuya information.

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