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The 25th Namaste · India 2017

The largest India festival in Japan "The 25th Namaste · India 2017" will be held at the Yoyogi Park Event Plaza on Saturday, September 23rd and Sunday 24th, 2017.

Namaste · India is an event aiming to experience rich and diverse Indian culture including knowledge, clothing, food, culture and economy. Started in 1993 with the Asian club and the Japan - India Economic Committee co - organized and moved the venue from Tsukiji Hon - binji to Yoyogi Park from 2005 to expand its scale. It is the 25th year of this year, and it is established as an annual event that you can experience India whole.
At the main stage, she presented a wide range of Indian arts including movie dance, ballatanam yam and other 7 Indian classical dances, sitar and other northern Indian classical music and dance, South Indian classical music and dance such as Vina and folk music. At the venue, various lectures and workshops such as Yoga lecture and workshop, Indian classical dance workshop, Hindi language classroom, various lectures and workshops, Ayurveda, Mehendi (Art depicted in Hena and limbs), Indian astrology appraisal, Book fair , Goods Bazaar (goods sold), tourist and travel booth, various booths related to India will be exhibited.
In the restaurant booth, a number of Indian cuisines, desserts and drinks such as freshly made Nan and curry baked in Tandoor kettle, Sagupanir sambar soup, Masalado sauce, Belitarian menu, chai, Indian beer etc. are sold. In addition to spices and tea corners, you can meet Indian taste just like authentic. As an annual plan, we will also hold a lottery where won luxurious prizes such as 'Indian round trip ticket' provided by Air India.

Why not try experiencing India entirely at Yoyogi Park where signs of autumn drift.

 第25回 ナマステ・インディア2017

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