Shibuya culture project

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Three books that BOOK × SHIBUYA Shibuya bookstores is to recommend

Toward the people who work in Shibuya, a bookseller to set up a shop "Now, this should read" in monthly in Shibuya will introduce.

The theme

It has begun the search for the "new way of working."

現在、書店では「働き方本」ブームが巻き起こっている。昨年、2025年の未来の仕事を生々しく予見した「ワークシフト」(リンダ・グラットン著/プレジデント社)のベストセーラーに端を発し、現在の自分の仕事や、未来の働き方を真剣に考え始めている人びとが増え始めた。もちろん、こうした背景にはバブル以降、長らく続いた不況も大きな要因だろう。終身雇用が約束されていたはずの大手企業が崩れ、さらに3.11の震災が追い打ちをかけた。以後、「ノマド」「コワーキング」「シェア」「ソーシャル」というキーワードが台頭し、若者たちの仕事や幸福に対する価値観はがらりと変わったように感じる。公務員など、倒産する心配のない安定職業に人気が集まる一方、大きな組織に頼らず、自分一人で収入を得て生きていける働き方を模索する人びとが増えているのも確かだ。たとえば、急速に市場が拡大するクラウドソーシングは、個人と企業を容易にマッチングさせるなど、インターネットやテクノロジーの発展がワークスタイルの在り方を一変させた。仕事のフィールドはもはや都市部のみならず、ローカルでもグローバルであっても個人が簡単に結びつく時代がやってきているのだ。「自分らしい働き方とは何か?」「本当の幸せとは何か?」――「9−5時」「土日休み」など、従来の社会通念に囚われない多様な価値観と選択肢の拡大で、様々な可能性を見い出す人びとが増えたことが、今日の「働き方本」ブームの背景にはあるのだろう。 さて今回の「シブヤ×ブックス」では、MARUZEN&ジュンク堂書店渋谷店の社会科学担当・安斎千華子さんにブックセレクターを務めてもらった。新卒入社以来、池袋本店から新宿、渋谷店と渡り歩いてきた安齋さんは、社会科学畑一筋のベテラン。今春4月までは育児休業を取っていたそうだが、現在は子育てをしながらキャリアを生かし短時間勤務で働く。ハードワークを厭わず働いていた独身時代から、仕事と子育てを両立するワークスタイルへ、安斎さんご自身も新しい働き方に取り組み始めたばかりだという。そこで今回は「新しい働き方」をテーマに、働くママである安斎さんにお薦め3冊をご紹介してもらった。

This month's book selector

Social Science: Anzai SenHanako's (joined 11 years)

店 名:
MARUZEN&ジュンク堂 渋谷店
住 所:
Dogenzaka 2-24-1 Tokyu department store head office 7th floor
電 話:
営 業:
10:00 to 21
取 扱:
Books / Books / comic
併 設:
Cafe / Stationery

Shibuya one floor of the largest 1100 square meters. Has a reputation in the assortment of specialized books, library reckon about 130 million books. Stationery is rich in collaboration shop with Maruzen and Junkudo, NHK related goods are aligned "NHK Square" also features.

Recommended from the book selector

「新しい働き方」全体を俯瞰できる1冊 −「未来の働き方を考えよう」

Life is lived twice, give a stimulus to the Arafo
"Consider the way of working of the future."
the publisher
Release date
¥ 1365 (tax included)
18.6 cm
223 P

Management SuruchiKirin's popular blog "Diary of Chikirin" which boasts 2 million PV is, deciphering the change of the future of society, to propose a "way of working of the future". Of IT, globalization, such as the future to continue to change at an unprecedented speed, teaching certificate that new way of working tips to live happily is obtained. Prolongation of the family of form and life, choose to work in foreign countries, such as working styles from the 40's, which is a book that can be widely bird's-eye view of the current situation and the future around us.
<Anzai's Recommended point of>
"How long able to work for?" "Now, if alive should go?" In young people facing a vague fear that there are many, as "there society is in what kind of state now, so I'm this happens" society environment and the surrounding is, I think that book that explained to me easy to understand the current state of the work. Globalization advances, continue to extend the average life span, do you really may we have the same way of working as until now. In contrast, ChiKirin Mr. question "It is not it bad," "I also'm not interesting", it has proposed to us that "once again, what? Why do not you reconsider their own choice." Once retirement Speaking of 60-year-old, spread until about now 65-year-old, the future will continue growing age to work more. Or rather change jobs consider the "second life" in about 40 years old when you think so, we recommend that you review the work styles of their own. A decade ago, speaking of a "second life" after retirement, but was to live in quiet and comfortable retirement free from worldly cares in rural life, its form has gradually changed. In this book, has the experience and skills, have a family, it can be precisely because 40-year-old with a calm, that it boldly propose a "working styles of possibility" that different from a young age is interesting. ChiKirin's charm, that it is saying is arrived feet firmly in the ground. Many of the general critic, there is a tendency to become too strong theory after a while. However, her case of the objective "huh This" on the view and gentle reminders to me image is strong, has been very trust from readers. Of course their 40s, I want to read all means to the young people of the 20s and 30s that are lost in the way of working of the current situation.


Ota's vitality is dangerous!
"Japan is not a dangerous, the world we are moving from funny."
Ota Eimoto
the publisher
ABC Publishing
Release date
1470 yen (tax included)
18.6 cm
272 P

While round-the-world author Ota Eimoto Ms. over a period of about two years, interviewed on Japanese to work abroad, and the world that have been visible from the bottom of the thing and Japan, working in "the world as one of the new way of working of choice introductory book that spelled the possibility of ". Rather than, or "Japan is dangerous" or "throw away the Japan" is because work abroad, preach more pounding, it thrilled the positive idea of ​​moving from "the world is interesting," to be important. It is a book that get the courage to begin to be Stepping one step to the world.
<Anzai's Recommended point of>
Ota is, people who are very vitality. Actually met with more than 1,000 business people in the world trip, we interviewed carefully to whether they are in any kind of think of any job abroad. Than the feeling of insecurity in the Japanese society, says that rather want to know the fun and charm of the things that jump out to the world. In addition to the specific case of work when the Japanese working abroad in the second half, we are rich we have touched firmly also disadvantages to practicality. For people who are believed to want to work abroad in earnest, it will be very helpful. The current Junku Hall Shibuya and are a lot of student part-time job, you have exactly they also suffer from job shortage. In this book, I asked to read to people of such a worried young generation, I hope in the tips to expand the width of the work, including the option of "working abroad". Also I think that hesitant Japanese often that jump out overseas from "Language of the wall", but first perhaps is important to try to jump out courage.


Experiment to explore the island were to stage a "new society."
"The servants island, decided to see the future."
Ring of Tour Co., Ltd. (Hiroshi Abe, representative director / Nobuoka YoAkira-director)
the publisher
Tree music building
Release date
1890 yen (tax included)
19 cm

Among the local progresses depopulation and aging, Ama-cho Shimane Prefecture (Amachou) are "outsiders, young people, fool" in bold administrative reform to accept the young people of non-islanders that was called, about 2,300 of the total population of the, I turn migrants amounting to several hundred people. Mr. Hiroshi author Abe, Nobuoka YoAkira's also emigrated in 2008 founded the company "wheel of the Tour of". Shape and of a new society, continue day-to-day experiment in which the island in order to seek a sustainable society on the stage. This book is an introduction of spelled adventure entrepreneur Tan of new challenges to the two people struggle young "island and the region and the future."
<Anzai's Recommended point of>
Mr. Abe after completion Kyoto University, Toyota Motor Corporation joined the company seems to have been active as an engineer, but you throw away his career in employment fourth year. But I had been working for a web design company also Nobuoka's in Tokyo, but not to decide to emigrate and left the company in two and a half years. I think that those of companies working are also stable income, but it will felt the charm and happiness to life in it than in Ama-cho. Are generally "island time" and say if laid-back tend to image the living, but life of Ama-cho is never intended laid-back. Two of them are Dari hard at communication planning to visit from door to door of the islanders of the house, the island of specialty products to or create a media to web sales, such as addressing the education business for the company, to explore the shape of the new society we struggle every day for. While there is the idea of ​​earning big in large companies, I think that's one of the choices to a small business in rural areas. Once most of the Japanese people, such as self-employed and agricultural, each individual had engaged in the small trade. I think watching the trend of recent work styles, I feel like are gradually returning to these petty trading specific old way of working. Of course, such as agriculture and fisheries in the case of Ama-cho, there is also the advantage of self-sufficiency is a rich land that can be, but does not apply to all of the region, I think to be a hint of the efforts of the local.

I was very sold, such as "qualified ones," "skill thing" in the era, a bookstore that has been referred to as the "employment ice age" is about 10 years ago that got a job to Junku hall in new graduates. After that, such as teaching certificate to increase the supplementary income, such as "investment" and "earn on the net." .... More recently, Kenichi Ohmae's: such as "earning power" work is no longer "new way of working of the times" and Naoyuki Honda's "new way of working", what specific work even if it is not hired, politics Ya as an individual book to learn the knowledge necessary to go face to face in the economy will not move. Social science of the bookcase is, in a sense, in a mirror of the economy and trends of Japanese society, and it is interesting where you can quickly catch it. If, get lost in the now of working styles, how about you? When you go to visit the social sciences of the bookcase. Surely hint should be found.

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