Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

Three that HIKARIE × SHIBUYA Hikarie to recommend

This month, we pick up recommendations from the latest culture information such as "Exhibitions" and "Events" held in Shibuya Hikarie .

The theme

Shibuya Hikarie "8 /" Pick Up in October

東北のある1軒の農家が手がける有機栽培野菜や、四国のあるNPOが制作する手作り家具など、インターネットの普及によって、近所のスーパーや商店街に限らず、私たちの購買の選択肢は大幅に広がった。と同時にブランドイメージや企業の知名度など、これまで重視されてきた購買ポイントは、あくまでも数ある選択条件の一つとなり、消費者が自分基準でモノ選びをするという時代を迎えている。「作り手がどこにこだわって商品を手がけているのか?」「どんな苦労を乗り越えて商品を生み出したのか?」など、様々なストーリーから消費者自身にとって、それが価値のあるものなのか否かを判断し、必要なモノだけを選び取ることが容易にできるようになった。消費者にとっては大変喜ばしいことであるが、その一方で莫大な費用を使って広告宣伝を行い、購買意欲を刺激してきた企業としては、広告やPR戦略の大幅な見直しを迫られる事態といえるだろう。画一的な宣伝ではなく、消費者個人個人に向けて、どうやって商品の魅力を伝えていけるかということが、まさに勝負なのだ。 今回のカルチャー×シブヤでは、渋谷ヒカリエで10月に開催される企画の中から、新たな魅力を情報発信する「企業主催のリアルイベント」を3本ピックアップ。資生堂では化粧品ブランド「マジョリカ・マジョルカ」をモチーフに、富士通では「AR技術」にフォーカスして、消費者に向けて自社の取り組みを紹介する。また10月25日には、渋谷のご当地ニュースサイト「シブヤ経済新聞」でお馴染みの「みんなの経済新聞ネットワーク」が、全国の編集長を集めたリアルイベントを実施。大規模な広告宣伝では見えてこない新たな切り口で、それぞれの新鮮な魅力に触れてみたい。

This Month Specials

資生堂イベント「百合 佐和子 X 金澤 正人『ユリカナ展』by マジョリカ マジョルカ」

Masato lily Sawako X Kanazawa "Yurikana Exhibition" by Majolica Majorca
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / CUBE 1,2,3
Holding period
October 30 (Wednesday) to November 11 (Monday)
Holding time
Organized by
Shiseido Company, Limited
Admission fee
Sawako lily, Masato Kanazawa

"Majolica Majorca" is, Shiseido makeup brand of its own view of the world is characterized by the coexistence of cuteness and poison. The exhibition is the hair makeup artist Sawako lily-san and photographer Masato Kanazawa is, to introduce the original works that worked. The theme is "Kawaii". The venue, fantasy and mode, and sometimes deadly poison ... a variety of the "cute" swing width, Heameku and illustrations and plans to work about 30 points are lined up which represents a combination of three-dimensional, such as making paper. Since the hair make-up and talk event (November 5, 30 pm 18 ~), which led to the creators who are active in the field of photography also, is try to experience the same brand of charm?


Shibuya Hikarie 8 / Creative Lounge MOV
Inner "aiiima2"
Holding period
October 26 (Saturday) to November 4 (Monday)
Holding time
Organized by
Fujitsu Design Co., Ltd.
Admission fee
Young designer of the Fujitsu Design Co., Ltd.

Even though ordinary landscapes and buildings, there is a thing that would seem to why the "face" to the moment casual. Phenomenon it called "iconic (cumulative increase)." Everyone in the Fujitsu Design Co., Ltd. is aiming to realize the ICT society that can participate, planning a hands-on exhibition of using an AR app this iconic phenomenon in the motif around the young designer. Resemble a face that looks at iconic phenomenon in character called "RUIZO", finished the exhibition to enjoy looking for them. The venue planted a lot of "RUIZO", it is published on the web, including also found in personal belongings "RUIZO". Come on, why not look for a "RUIZO"?


The Gotochi News Show
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / COURT
Holding period
October 25 (Fri.)
Holding time
Organized by
Everyone economic newspaper network
Admission fee
Economic newspaper editor-in-chief, et al. In each region

To deliver "your local news" at home and abroad 80 area or more of the city, "Minna economic newspaper network". Including "Shibuya Keizai Shimbun" doing and regularly talk event in Hikarie, from Sapporo to Naha, provide the happy news in various places such as Hong Kong and New York in foreign countries. In the same event, to introduce a strong article in particular of your local color from among all of the articles that have been delivered this year on the panel. In addition, "town story," the theme to the local editor-in-chief Talk event "editor-in-chief meeting" to arrange the shoulder is also carried out. Why do not you touch the unique news born the land unique?

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