Shibuya culture project

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Three that HIKARIE × SHIBUYA Hikarie to recommend

This month, we pick up recommendations from the latest culture information such as "Exhibitions" and "Events" held in Shibuya Hikarie .

The theme

Shibuya Hikarie "8 /" Pick Up in December

いよいよ今年もあと一ヶ月を切った。渋谷の街では夜になると通りのあちこちでキラキラとイルミネーションが輝き、忙しい師走特有のワクワク感を更に盛り上げてくれる。そして25日を過ぎるとあっという間に来年へのカウントダウンがスタート。 12月は年内の仕事のやりくりや大掃除に追われる一方で、お世話になった方々へのお歳暮や、恋人や家族へのクリスマスプレゼント、忘年会で集まる仲間たちへの手土産まで、改めて大切な人への感謝の気持を伝える機会も多いシーズン。忙しい日々が続くが、誰かを思って贈り物を探す時間もゆっくり大切にしていきたい。 今回は、渋谷ヒカリエ8/で開催予定の企画から、「贈り物」のヒントになるイベント・展示などを紹介。若手アーティストのアート作品にはみずみずしい感性が宿り、伝統工芸に現代的な発想を取り入れた作品は日常に新鮮な喜びをもたらす。ジオサイトをモチーフにしたお菓子は、新たな興味の入り口になるかも。あなたも大切な誰かの笑顔を想像しながら、ひと味違ったプレゼントを探しに出かけてみては?

This Month Specials


Organized by: Shibuya Hikarie
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / COURT
Holding period
2013 December 13 (Friday) to December 25 (Wednesday)
Holding time
11:00 20
Naomi Ashida, Kaoru Oda, Miyuki Takenaka, Kumie Tsuda, Dou Fuji, pearl beauty Nakaoka, Funo Nana, Yamamoto Keisuke
Admission fee
free entrance

At "COURT", an art fair "HIKARIE XMAS ART FAIR" will be launched from December 13th at Shibuya Hikarie 8 /.
The venue, ceramics writer, who Naomi Ashida deals with, such as "sky" and represent the "Tutsi" was instrumental in the series "AMETSUCHI" in line engraving of the mountains, the light dropped a drop type of resin to acrylic plate look Miyuki Takenaka to direct, Todo's like eight works of art, known for sculptures polished embedding the glass on the cut surface of the stone or brick is expanded to bring together.
Since its debut in spring 2012, according to the 8 /, which has been calling the high-quality art content, you want to enjoy a unique line-up to meet the Christmas season.

Tsugaru traditional × DESIGN Exhibition

Organizer: Tsugaru traditional crafts marketing promotion Study Group
Tsugaru traditional × DESIGN Exhibition
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / CUBE 1,2,3
Holding period
2013 December 27 (Friday) to January 6, 2014 (Monday)
Holding time
Akiko Kida (Tsugaru paint), Taiji Masukawa (Tsugaru paint), Tsuyoshi Yoshizawa (Tsugaru beating cutlery), Masako Hanada (Tsugaru paint), Furukawa SatoshiMinoru (Bunako design), Sumiyakata Tokuko (concentrated silver thorn), West-East Ikuko (Akebi vine crafted ), Kitabatake Eriko (Tsugaru paint), Misato Kuroda (concentrated silver thorn)

From CUBE 12 May 27 in 1, 2, 3, exhibition by young craftsmen of Aomori Prefecture Tsugaru region "Tsugaru traditional × DESIGN Exhibition" begins.
Sponsored by Tsugaru traditional craft marketing promotion Study Group aims to traditional craft industrial development of the region. In study group by the craftsmen of the young that have a traditional craft making, advocating the manufacturing that combines Market in and tradition. Tsugaru paint, Tsugaru stamped cutlery, Bunako, concentrated silver thorn, and Akebi vine work, while each challenge the traditional craft, to plan products that were aware of the approach to the same age.
For products in the venue we have deployed, members direct description. 1/2 and 1/3 In addition to providing a grab bag of limited quantities, is also scheduled to conduct demonstrations of the concentrated silver thorn of workshops (12 / 27-31 1/2, 1/6) and the Tsugaru paint.

Izu, Shizuoka Prefecture of earth and Jiogashi travel Orchestra

Izu, Shizuoka Prefecture of earth and Jiogashi travel Orchestra
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / d47 design travel store
Holding period
2013 December 6 (Friday) to December 19 (Thursday)
Holding time
Admission fee
free entrance

d47 desing from travel 12 June in the store, to introduce Jiogashi travel group of Shizuoka Prefecture.
The Jiogashi travel groups, organizations that perform and sale of homemade sweets with the motif of the Izu Peninsula around Geo site of (natural and cultural attractions), the actual activities that get to experience to say the local. It was formed in the hope of a want to discover the fun of Izu of land through a familiar experience.
At the venue, shaped like a spit of Minamiizu-cho Minato district Yumigahama "Yumigahama sandbar cookies", imitating a fossil of Nefurorepijina seen in Shimoshiraiwa Izu "Shimoshiraiwa foraminiferal nougat", the former seabed Izu Peninsula such as the representation of the deposited layer indicating that there was "Bentenjima cross bedding pie", to sell eight of Jiogashi.

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