東急百貨店本店、55年の歴史に幕 本店開業はライバル進出がきっかけ 最終日の東急本店をレポート!
渋谷駅地下に広がる「食の一大マーケット」 東急フードショー3ゾーン展開へ渋谷のメインコンテンツは「食マーケット」
東急フードショーが7月にグランドオープン 「生鮮・グローサリー」「スイーツ」「デリ」3ゾーン構成「しぶちか」も同時オープン!
Shibuya, which will start moving after declaring the emergency, announces the reopening date of large commercial facilitiesThe day after the declaration was released Shibuya on May 26th
Business status of large stores and supermarkets in Shibuya due to the spread of new coronavirus infectionLast updated: Friday, May 8, 2020
For inbound, "Shibuya Souvenir" corner limited open in the hands ShibuyaSet up a souvenir corner on the Hands B1 floor until August 20
A strong friend of the sudden rain! "Packable" rain goods that are aligned with the hands.We introduce rain goods which we found in Tokyu Hands Shibuya store!
Launching a new project to "solve social issues in Shibuya City" with shopping bagsWhat is "SHIBUKURO PROJECT" which is a Shibuya-ku official business?
Hands 40th anniversary! "Agaro! STUDIO" that can do hand-made experiences only possible hereI will report each of the studio opened in 8 locations in the library!
Ask "Scramble Wataru" about shoe care! Hands Shibuya, a store that attracts a lot of young people, has also a wide range of sneaker care products.Interview with Kentaro Wataru, the shoecare (section) manager
Welcome at the entrance! Casual Italian, Tempura-kun is the store manager / Shinsen · BORNEWe are introducing "Shibuya's signboard dog" in the series after a year!
ツウ好みもうならせる「ギフト」選びなら、 ハンズ渋谷店「玄関」を知りつくした“ムッシュ”におまかせ!Interviewed Mush Yokokawa, member of Tokyu Hans Shibuya store specialist group "G4"!
ドッグフレンドリーな人と犬が一緒に過ごしやすい空間 代々木八幡・café&Bar 9+We are introducing Shibuya's signboard dog by series planning for the year end!
French restaurant where you can spend elegant time with dogs / Daikanyama · RabelaisWe are introducing a signboard dog in Shibuya in series after a year.
"The hobby of bike rises to leather craft" The appeal of "manufacturing experience" spoken by workers at hands-work shopsInterview with Mr. Biker Nagai of "G4" member
膝上で寝ちゃう人懐っこさが魅力 マルプーのもなかちゃん 原宿・美容室La familiaFind a signboard dog in Shibuya!
ハンズ渋谷店のスペシャリスト集団「G4」の正体とは!? 〜ネット時代だからこそ輝くベテランの接客力At the Shibuya branch, veteran staff who retirement positions with active deep product knowledge and skillful customer service are active!
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