# Shibrava? Exploring the charm of working, playing, and living in Shibuya

Who is "Shibuya Mirai" who was newly registered in Shibuya Ward?

On Saturday, November 4, "Shibuya Mirai" was registered as a special resident as Shibuya citizens. It is a very boy who looks very clever. There are probably a lot of people who thought that it might be a child of a famous television.

実はみらいくんは、自治体として日本初の取り組みとなる「渋谷区のAIキャラクター」なのだ。「ちがいを ちからに 変える街。渋谷区」をスローガンに「ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン」を推進する渋谷区が、多様性や先進性を象徴するキャラクターとして、今後、渋谷区主催イベントや、小学校のワークショップなどのPR活動に広く活用していくという。もはや、「ゆるキャラ」の時代ではない!? 
Special resident card of Shibuya Miraikun. The birthday is "Shibuya's day" of 4 · 28 (Shubuya). Photographer talkative literary system boys.

So, what is AI (artificial intelligence)?

The most important feature of Mirai-kun is "natural conversation" realized by joint development with Microsoft. Speaking of conversation bot developed by Microsoft, "Rin" of girls' high school character is well known, Mirai also uses similar AI technology, and it can communicate with anyone on LINE.

Let's register the account of "Shibuya Mirai" to LINE, and let's have various conversations.

First of all, we asked basic information such as weather, etc., the sky is ◯, the temperature is ×, the news in Shibuya is ×. When asked about Shibuya-ku's "diversity", it is a wonderful response, "everyone is more fun than the same, it is fun!" Furthermore, when asking "LGBT" as a question, "I do not know, I will study a lot more!" It seems difficult to dig deep.Next, when asking for access to "Hachiko" "Harajuku", "There are always people around Hachiko!" Or "Is not it about Harajuku? It is divided into the back and the table" Conversations are not meshing, etc., information on sightseeing is not good. When I heard that "I want to eat lunch", "Recommended for the time being yakitori is mark market reverse side (by papa)" Recommend Yakitori for lunch (haha). It seems that the information on the bar is taught as "by Papa". Speaking of the awkwardness of conversation and changing the theme on the way, it is not a smooth conversation, but this is also a elementary school boys' seems to be a elementary school boy like 7 years old.

To be honest, I am still unsatisfactory, but there is AI. Let's wait with expectation that we will gradually learn and grow through gradual conversation with many people every day. From the user's point of view, as long as it is happy to provide basic information on the city of Shibuya such as weather, temperature, sightseeing, food and drink, news, events etc. along with communication of conversation. Considering municipally-led applications, it may be Masui's to mention too concrete store information ....

For non-conversation exchanges, you can also enjoy "Shiritori" and games such as processing a face picture sent from the user into a picture of Moyai style.
The left screen shows the exchange of "Shiritori Game". "Keikyu Hands" → "I do not understand that word ...", I do not have much grasp of the facility name in Shibuya. Two right screens are an example of image processing function. A pretty Mirai kun 's face is Moyai Statue ....

ちなみにみらいくんの顔は、イベント開催時に撮影した区民の顔を合成して作成されているもの。今後も随時、イベントで撮影した顔写真を追加していき、AIの成長と共に、渋谷の「今」を象徴する顔として日々変化していくのだそうだ。 「ゆるキャラ」ブームが一巡し、今後、渋谷発の「AIキャラ」が全国の自治体に広がっていくかもしれません。

Official home page:http://www.youmakeshibuya.jp/mirai/
LINE Friend Added Q Code:https://line.me/R/ti/p/PL49NZU8H7

Editorial department · Fuji Itakashi

Shibuya registrar. In addition to Shibuya of Culture information, seasonal news and topics, it will spell write that feel every day.

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