What happened in Shibuya to "zero's (2000-2009)"?

Along with the beginning of the 80s of the bubble economy, unique DC brand due to "wise" and Kawakubo Reino "Comme des Garcons", young designers of the new up-and-coming Yohji Yamamoto around the Shibuya Seibu in Shibuya predominate . Students the figure to wrap himself in the fashion that tens of thousands of yen was a kind of social phenomenon. However, when the 1990s bubble collapsed, the large-scale development and opening with a large capital with the advent of the economic recession reduced. On the other hand, Jinnan, Udagawa-cho, such as Cat Street, in the alley is not a main street, small while miscellaneous goods and fashion shop with a sense also began to appear. "Bill (large-scale capital)" → "shop (individual owner)", "Main Street" → "alley", "popular song" → "indie", "analog", "disco" → larger trend to the "club" transition, decline of the Japanese economy has been a profound change in youth culture and consumption. So to speak, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the "microcosm of the Japanese economy is in the Shibuya." 80s, looking back to "zero's (2000-2009)" in Shibuya has led the young state-of-the-art culture in the 1990s, this 10 years I would like to confirm once now whether was what kind of era.

The birth of the Q-FRONT has changed, be integrated into a scramble crossing "outdoor advertising media group."

Digital information transmission type of commercial facility, Q-FRONT

I was born in 2000 "Q-FRONT" in the face of Shibuya

ミレニアムへのカウントダウンが始まった1999年12月、渋谷Q-FRONT(キューフロント)がオープンした。地上8階・地下3階建てのビルには当時、1・2階の「スターバックス」、8階のレストランのほか、地下2階〜地上4階にビデオ、DVD、音楽CDからゲームソフトや書籍を取り扱う「TSUTAYA」、5階にインターネット生放送などを行うデジタルイベントスペース「e-style」(現TSUTAYAのDVDレンタル)、6階にデジタルスクール「デジハリ渋谷校」(現Wired Cafe)、7階に映画館「シネフロント」などマルチメディア関連企業が集積。さらに施設全体に光ファイバーが敷設され、建物前面には縦23.5×横19mの街頭大型ビジョン「Q's EYE(キューズアイ)」が組み込まれるなど、他に類を見ないデジタル情報発信型の商業施設が誕生した。施設構想の背景にはインターネットの登場に伴い、90年代後半から「インターキュー(現GMOインターネット)」の熊谷正寿氏、「オン・ザ・エッジ(現ライブドア)」の堀江貴文氏、「サイバーエージェント」の藤田晋氏などをはじめ、有能な若いIT起業家たちが渋谷近辺に事務所を構え、「渋谷ビットバレー(渋い=Bitter、谷=Valley)」と呼ばれるITの拠点となったことが挙げられる。文字通り、渋谷の谷底地形の中心で、かつデジタル産業の象徴としてQ-FRONTが登場したことは、「渋谷ゼロ世代」の幕開けを語る上で欠かせないトピックスと言えるだろう。

Such as a three-sided synchro, increase the advertising value in the "Shibuya Jack"

Relay live of Ayaka Hirahara's in a three-sided simultaneous synchronization (December 11, 2009)

The emergence of the country's largest street vision "Kyuzu eye" has become a chance to increase the advertising value of Shibuya Station and the scramble crossing. Thereafter, the "super riser Shibuya" in large MoriDo Shoji building the wall surface of the left side, Koen-dori Desoroi is "109 forum vision" to 109-2 building the wall to the right across the, also to possible "three-sided simultaneous synchro". Further in conjunction with the street vision, increased deployment, including the wall of JR Shibuya Station, Hachiko mouth and Tokyu Toyoko shops, outdoor signage around the station, the sampling and mini-events in the 109 before special stage of "Shibuya Jack", scramble crossing the domestic But I made a transformed into outdoor advertising media of an integrated group of leading. These people, there is also possible to give the video, the scene is intense impact that music has crossed disorderly, foreign tourists visiting the same spot is unending.

Starbucks before the new spot of the meeting

In November 2009, the largest commercial district in Europe, reportedly intersection where the "Shibuya scramble crossing" to the model to Oxford Circus station in central London have emerged, further Seoul, burgeoning digital signage advertisements in Shanghai since it is also, that the world is paying attention to the Shibuya will say that there is no mistake. 2009, Q-FRONT is celebrated its 10 years from the open. It was the hotel's early "Digital Hollywood Shibuya School" is transferred to the Cultural Village street (2003), such as "e-style" also renewed, but have been forced to slightly change from the original concept, the scramble intersection and, behind presence of Q-FRONT to set up in is increasing further.

The birth of a new landmark that promoted the Shibuya of "adults of"

Mark City, the opening of Cerulean Tower

Towering along the No. 246 "Cerulean Tower"

「シブヤがおとなになる日」をキャッチコピーに、2000年4月に「渋谷マークシティ」がオープンした。90年代にはセンター街を中心にチーマーと呼ばれる不良グループが登場し、「渋谷=若者の街」「渋谷=危険」というイメージが広がっていたが、こうした「大人離れ」に端を発して、それまで六本木や銀座へ流れていたアダルト層を呼び戻す作戦がスタート。渋谷マークシティはJR、東急、東京メトロ、京王の渋谷駅に直結し、1〜4階に20・30代を中心にしたレストランやショップ、5〜25階に全408室の規模を持つシティホテル「渋谷エクセルホテル東急」を展開。さらに11〜23階には就業人口約3,000人規模を誇るオフィスフロアを併設するなど、駅・ショッピング・オフィス・ホテルの4つの機能を果たす大型複合施設として誕生している。同時に東急東横店の地下に「東急フードショー」がオープンし、デパ地下ブームを牽引する存在としてOL層の集客を推進。さらに翌年2001年5月には、桜丘町に地下6階、地上41階、ホテルとオフィスから成る超高層複合ビル「セルリアンタワー」が完成したことも加わり、ハチ公口エリアにティーン層が集まる一方、西口周辺エリアはビジネスパーソン向けのアダルトゾーンとして変貌を遂げていった。カルチャー面ではマークシティの4階に葉巻専門店「ル・コネスール」、さらにセルリアンタワーの2階にジャズクラブ「JZ Brat SOUND OF TOKYO」、地下2階に「セルリアンタワー能楽堂」がオープンするなど、大人が遊べるハードが充実。またビジネス面ではビットバレーの勝ち組が続々と上場や店頭公開を果たし、マークシティにサイバーエージェント、セルリアンタワーにGMOインターネットグループやネットイヤーグループが入居するなど、両施設はIT産業の拠点の一翼を担う「渋谷ゼロ年代」を象徴する存在ともいえる。

Close the curtain in the history of 47 years, "Tokyu Bunka Kaikan"

There was a planetarium "Shibuya Tokyu Bunka Kaikan" (June 2003 closing)

On the other hand, Tokyo's original landmark "Tokyu Bunka Kaikan" in Shibuya, which has Tokyo's first planetarium and four movie theaters and supported post-war Japanese culture, has a 47-year history with a shadow in June 2003. Closed. In the immediate vicinity of the site, architect Tadao Ando the theme of "Chichusen" and was designed by design FUKU-TOSHIN LINE and new Shibuya Station (June 2008) is opened. Furthermore, with the aim of completion in 2012, the construction of the high-rise complex "Shibuya New Cultural Area Project (provisional name)" is currently underway. The center section of the 34-story building will be open to a theater with a musical center that accommodates up to about 2,000 people, taking over the concept of "culture" of the Tokyu Bunka Kaikan. "Otonatization" of the west exit area that began in the zeros is expected to spread to the east exit area from 2010 onwards.

Epidemic and consumption of the Teens and center "gal" to tow

Gal boom Marukyu gave a fire

Holy Land of gal standing in corner lot that connects the Dogenzaka and cultural village as "109"

While it took a spur to Shibuya "adults of" zero age, a new evolution in youth culture with a focus on teen layer was born one after another. Looking back on 80, 90's, young people's favorability area were concentrated in the keyword "DC brand" and "bitter Kazi" Parco, to Koen Dori-Jinnan area where fashion shops such as integrated BEAMS. Cisco also, such as the Manhattan record, also Udagawacho area that analog record store was crowded large number of large and small, was showing a large bustle as a sacred place of the boy who yearn to DJ. This way was transformed the youth culture that had been concentrated in the Jinnan, Udagawa-cho, a cylinder type of commercial facility to be erected on the corner lot that connects the Dogenzaka and cultural village street "SHIBUYA109". 109 1979 years of 30 years ago, open from now on. Since the Tokyu group against Koen-dori that had at that time momentum reduce the incentive to cultural village street, every generation an omnidirectional type of commercial facility that targets "Fashion Community 109 (now · SHIBUYA109)" of gave birth to It took the start.

Was it changed dramatically to fashion building of the teen with a focus on high school girls, as of now, from the second half of the 1990s. SHIBUYA109 general manager, Mr. Yasuaki Hagiwara in the sluggish is "sales, attention is paid to the fact that only shop to deal with, such as loose socks in for high school girls has been thriving, commercial facilities that the Central in 1996 was targeted to female high school students generation It changes the concept "and recalls. 109 The name of the (aka Marukyu) has become known nationwide at once, including the was a pioneer brand of gal fashion "EGOIST (egoist)" "CECIL McBEE (Cecil McBee)", stand to each brand shop "charisma clerk suddenly opportunity that the attention is gathered in. " Later, Teens, fashion and trends, was bleached hair to the makeup of Ganguro "Yamanba", white eyeliner around the eyes in the evolution of Yamanba, paint the white gloss on the lips, "Mamba", only the costume, such as Pikachu clad in "Kigurumin", prime hair, such as was the role model of the hostesses of curly hair "age Miss", but has been rapidly changed this 10 years, always that there was a presence of Marukyu in the center of the epidemic originating It can not be overlooked.

Evolving gal! Nogyaru also appeared to agriculture

Gal us to focus on hair and makeup in the SBY

2005, calls for "gal revolution", Mr. Shiho Fujita was 19 years old at the time (the original Shiho Co., Ltd. G-Revo representative) is entrepreneurial. At the same time, pay attention to new business that a review of the high school girls to organize launch a new trend and boom, "Gal-marketing" was gathered. One of the same year, the first time was held "Tokyo Girls Collection" (Yoyogi first gymnasium), the case was a huge success in the gal business. While most of the features are watching a fashion show, that it can be available on the spot the same clothes as those wearing popular models in the mobile website. It sounded to gal our sensibility is the front-runner of the mobile phone culture, and later Girls Collection is expanding year by year scale. In addition, 2008, the sampling space on the 8th floor Marukyu "SBY (Esubiwai)", marketing cafe on the first floor Shibuya Parco underground in 2009 "LCAFE (El Cafe)" appearance. Sweets and supplicant, including the sampling of new products of juice, free viewing of fashion magazines, these spaces to deploy, such as mobile phone charging service, attention as the promotion field aimed at the reviews spread of Teen layer holds the hit of the key It is.

Nogyaru us to PR the "Shibuya rice" in front of Hachiko

Also in January 2009 as a further evolution of gal, she launched the "gal president" Shiho Fujita, known for the retired president industry suddenly, "gal" + new project "Nogyaru" that connects the "agriculture". Takaji interest in the anxiety of Japanese agriculture and food, such as in this autumn engaged in the sale of "Shibuya rice", has also happened quite different phenomenon is the "agriculture", "social contribution," such as in the conventional gal image. Even after 2010, it can not be pulled out the gas from the unpredictable movement of gal us. By the way, boasted prosperity in the 1990s, "Udagawa record village" is, along with the spread of the Internet and ipod started to decline, "Cisco" in 2007, withdrew a store in quick succession is "Manhattan Records" in 2008. On the other hand, in 2005, such as "Apple Store Shibuya (Apple Store Shibuya)" is open to Koen-dori, the rapid development of the later of the mobile phone and the net 2000, had a great influence on the cultural scene of Shibuya of young people it is suggesting.

"RT" sense of form, a new network of way, which was based in Shibuya

Eco-culture is actively around the Yoyogi Park

To lead the eco-culture "Earth Day Tokyo"

Starting with the Kyoto Protocol, which has been voting in December 1997, it has increased interest of the public opinion to environmental issues, including global warming. At first glance, "Shibuya" of tend to be far from the city and the image and ecology but, "Earth Day Tokyo" is held Yoyogi Park zone in 2001 as the main venue. Since then, a variety of volunteer activities and civic action groups to push the "eco-culture" Shibuya to the base has been the rise. In such a background, a non-profit activities Promotion Act in 1998 was passed enacted, also became a tailwind that cropped up is the NPO boom. Also speaking only in Shibuya, representative director-living horse's and Saga of issuing a local currency, "the NPO Earth Day Money Association" (2001), the clean-up activities of the city, "the NPO Green Bird" the (2003) Mr. launched Hase BuKen, Shibuya Station bowline to the Shibuya greening activities based in image flower beds "Shibuya Flower project" (2003) founder-Ogikubo Nao's, such as, at that time, for he actively engaged in social contribution activities there can not be missed even point was the young people of the 20s and 30s.

Shibuya departure of regional currency "Earth Day Money"


Mixi, such as Twitter, young people of the net communication era

To support the street art paint Jeunesse building "NPO corporation KOMPOSITION" dealt (Udagawacho)

Other than the category of "Eco", the activity support of young people, such as Regal Wall and street ball, "the NPO KOMPOSITION" (2002) and, to deploy a unique lesson to the entire city of Shibuya to the campus, "the NPO Shibuya University" (2006), such as circulation project of plastic umbrella blue student began to become a center "Shibukasa" (2007), "Shibuya" that a new community is one after another appeared connected by a common point. To Shibuya President of the University, Sakyo Yasuaki's is Ikika' a lot of people at the center of the young people in the "Shibuya of the city, as someone and get to know the opportunity is surprisingly small. In Shibuya University hook to" learn ", generations and position of you can different students each other get to know. Similarly, the AC also between the teacher and the student will sprout, "and says its appeal. Blog, mixi, such as Twitter, for young people on a daily basis using the net communication, if there is something to share something, even if the connection between the different people and the people of the position, is to become so significant barrier no it seems. Similar to the "RT (ReTeeet)" of the Twitter function, to share with followers all have their own and lead to not stowed is useful information for me. Such a feeling is, would not have those are hardly considered in the period of high economic growth and the bubble period.

Logo of the magnetic field Building Project "Magnetics"

2009年11月、NPO法人KOMPOSITION代表理事の寺井元一さん、カルチャーニュースサイト「CINRA」の杉浦太一さん、ブックコーディネートを行う「numabooks」の内沼晋太郎さんら、渋谷を中心に幅広い分野で活躍する若手起業家やクリエーターら8人(団体)が手を組み、磁場作りプロジェクト「Magnetics(マグネティクス)」という新たなネットワークが組織された。これは原宿SUNSHINE STUDIO CAFEカフェを拠点に1ヶ月間に亘って連日トークイベントを開催し、そこに偶然参加した生活環境の近い者同士、気の合う者同士、関心興味の近いもの同士の出会いや結びつきを提供する、新たな試みだ。ビジネスや利害の絡むものでは一切ない。どちらかといえば、30歳前後の若者たちを中心とした“しゃべり場”的なフリースペースと言えるだろう。こうした「ゆる〜いネットワーク」の構築こそが、これからの渋谷文化に少なからず影響を与え、それがやがて新たなカルチャーを生み出すファクトリーの役割を担うのではないだろうか。

Cooperation:Shibuya Keizai Shimbun

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