Shibuya Keizai Shimbun has reported "2000-2009 Shibuya 10 big news."

SHIBUYA MARKCITY was born on April 7, 2000, a news site "Shibuya economic newspaper" that also launched on this day tells the streets of Shibuya from the viewpoint of economy and culture. Shibu sect has been distributing small city stories in the wide area Shibuya area as news articles for 10 years is exactly the same as a record clerk in Shibuya. So I picked up "the 10 biggest news selected by the Shibuya economic newspaper" out of about 7000 articles I have been making news in the past 10 years. I listened to the story while looking back on the time to Nishiki, the editor in chief.

2000-2009 渋谷10大ニュースランキング


Shibuya boil in South Korea co-hosted the World Cup Day 2002 (2002/06/21)1 month after the 2002 end of May, Asia's first soccer world championship, "2002 FIFA World Cup" is South Korea at the same time held in Japan. Shibuya incandescent mood color of supporters.


「モヤイ像」がドレッドヘアに初変身−プロモーションの一環で(2005/07/20)1 week from July 23, 2005 in the campaign planning of total hair care brand "mod hair", near the south exit of JR Shibuya Station, "Metamorphosis," "bowline image" is the first of dreadlocks figure.


History curtain goodbye of Shibuya symbol of 47 years "Shibuya Tokyu Bunka Kaikan" (2003/06/06)1956 years, Shibuya Tokyu Bunka Kaikan, which opened in Shibuya Station East is end of June 2003, it puts an end to the history of 47 years.


渋谷109「福袋」に4万人の列−恒例「福袋交換会」で騒然(2007/01/02)January 2, 2007, was able to long line to buy the bags to SHIBUYA109 that was the first sale. After the open, abuzz near the first floor entrance is a young man to replace the contents of the bags.


渋谷に「ヤマダ電機」旋風−LABI渋谷開業で文化村通りに長蛇の列(2008/09/26)September 26, 2008, to open the "LABI Shibuya" that Tokyo 9 the store eyes of the land adjacent to Yamada Denki "LABI" business category of "SHIBUYA109", such as the thousands of people before opening to make the matrix, in Shibuya " Yamada "whirlwind swept.


岡本太郎・巨大壁画「明日の神話」渋谷駅に安住へ−公開始まる(2008/11/17)On the second floor of the " SHIBUYA MARKCITY " connecting passage connecting JR Shibuya Station and the INOKASHIRA LINE ticket gate, the public display of the huge mural "Myth of Tomorrow" drawn by artist Taro Okamoto starts on November 17, 2008.


「東京ガールズコレクション」に2万人−海外プレスも取材(2006/09/05)Large fashion event for women EC Fashion site "Girls Walker," "Tokyo Girls Collection" (TGC) on September 3, 2006, was held at the National Yoyogi Stadium first gymnasium. Attract customers becomes the largest ever total more than 20,000.


Ai Kawashima, 1000 th street live at Hachiko Square (2005/04/01)March 30, 2005, are performed live on the street to be a "1000-th" Ai Kawashima's in Shibuya Hachiko Square, in the watch is a lot of galleries, "angels melody" debut song showcase.


東京メトロ副都心線、「期待」乗せ開業−渋谷駅は始発前に行列(2008/06/14)On June 14, 2008, Tokyo Metro Co.,Ltd. opened a new line called the FUKU-TOSHIN LINE which has a total length of about 20 kilometers that links the southern part of Saitama Prefecture and the central area.


Shibuya Hachiko before Yoshizumi Ishihara at the intersection is "mass appearance" (2007/02/24)February 24, 2007, a population that has suffered "your face" of Yoshizumi Ishihara to Udagawacho-Dogenzaka neighborhood was "mass appearance". Ishihara will serve as the image character promotion of part of the "Town Pages".

Moment that Shibuya has raised most

Hachiko Square © Shibuya Keizai Shimbun that was filled with supporters

Imposing # 1 is "Shibuya boil in the 2002 Japan-Korea co-hosted the World Cup" (article June 21, 2002). At this time, there also was South Korea co-hosted the day, the site of the World Cup in Japan was particularly no. Nature of collective psychology that "I want to climax with everyone gathered in one place," worked between the but young supporters us. Therefore, in the feeling "Do Let's gather the time being in Shibuya", I was rushed a large amount people in Shibuya. Scramble intersection is made to the brink state that I think we are occupied in the temporary crowd .... I think Naa was good if there is no accident or noticeable confusion while too late, but look back on this 10 years, Shibuya Hachiko Square was the most raised moment.

Shibuya as a place for information dissemination

Bowline image © Shibuya Keizai Shimbun, which has become "dreadlocks" in Toyota Cup promotion

2位は「『モヤイ像』がドレッドヘアに初変身−プロモーションの一環で」(2005年7月20日記事)。初めて渋谷の「モヤイ像」が広告プロモーションとして利用されたニュースです。モヤイ像はハチ公と同じように渋谷のシンボルの一つ。全国にモヤイ像はいっぱいありますが、渋谷のモヤイ像プロモーションをしていくという点に、渋谷の情報発信力の大きさが見て取れます。その後、「ネスレの缶コーヒーのプロモーション」で使われたり(2008年4 月11日記事)、先日も「ルパン三世がモヤイ像を盗む」という前代未聞の企画が飛び出す(2009年12月7日記事)など、モヤイ像を絡めたPRの効果は絶大です。

© Shibuya Keizai Shimbun that men and women wearing a "search word" of goo walk the scramble intersection

モヤイ像と同じくプロモーション場として利用が増えたのは、10位に挙げた「渋谷・ハチ公前交差点に石原良純さんが『大量出現』」(2007年2月 24日記事)。さらに「gooの『検索ワード』をまとった男女700人がジャック」(2003年12月13日記事)や「渋谷スクランブル交差点に100本の『緑花』ビニール傘」(2007年12月19日記事)など、この10年間でハチ公前交差点を使ったキャンペーンやプロモーションが数多く行われてきました。スクランブル交差点は人がクロスする象徴的な場所と捉えられていて、あの場所で面白いことをやればプロモーションの波及効果も大きい。道路交通法の問題がある中で、人がどういう形であの場をステージにして、その一瞬にどういう広告を打ち出して行くのか…。現場を見るのも面白いが、それらの動きをメディアを通してみるのも面白い。同じように渋谷の情報発信力を伝えるニュースとしては、6位の「岡本太郎・巨大壁画『明日の神話』渋谷駅に安住へ−公開始まる」(2008年11月17日記事)もありました。作品が設置された渋谷マークシティ内の連絡通路は、1日30万人もの通行量がある公共空間。そういう場所にアート作品を置くというのは面白い。先月、公開から1年を迎えて行われた壁画の「煤払い」を取材しましたが(2009 年11月7日記事)、作品にはすごい量のホコリが付着していました。服についてる綿ゴミなどがフワッと舞い上がって張り付くんでしょうね。通行量の多さを改めて感じました(笑)。

The first stage is the closure of the Tokyu Bunka Kaikan

Tokyu Shibuya opened initially Cultural Center © Shibuya Keizai Shimbun

Then, the third place is "the symbol of Shibuya in the history of 47 years, goodbye Sayonara" Shibuya Tokyu Cultural Center "" (June 6, 2003 article). The Tokyu Bunka Kaikan is said to be a state-of-the-art facility at the time of opening, and there are a large number of people raised in Tokyo who have been to the planetarium. Leading a period, the contributions that have made Shibuya a big contribution. So I have attachment, and I have a sad feeling, but on the other hand, this topic is the development of the east exit area including the mutual direct operation of FUKU-TOSHIN LINE and the Toyoko Line, scheduled for 2012, Shibuya is just big It shows the first stage to start moving.

Passengers lined up early in the morning at Shibuya Station on the opening day of the FUKU-TOSHIN LINE © Shibuya Keizai Shimbun


Changes in cultural village street

Venue landscape © 2006 Tokyo Girls Collection Tokyo Girls Collection by 2006-07 A / W


Book 1st site is, © Shibuya Keizai Shimbun, which currently has a flagship store of H & M

道玄坂下交差点の109前からBunkamuraまでの文化村通りは、かつては入り口に109、途中に20代女性に向けた「ONE-OH- NINE(ワンオーナイン)」(現:マルハン)や30代女性向けた「ONE-OH-NINE 30's(ワンオーナインサーティーズ)」(現:H&M)があって、その先に東急本店があった。この通り一つに10〜40代までをターゲットとするMDが成立していた。それがいつしか形を変え、一時期は元気を失ってしまったものの、最近は「ヤマダ電機」開業(2008年9月26日記事)や「H&M」の出店(2009年9月 16日記事)が起爆剤となって、活気を取り戻してきています。恋文横丁がなくなってしまったことは残念ですが…。さらに現在は宇田川町の奥まで工事が始まっていて、文化村通りと宇田川町を結ぶ新しい動線が見え始めています。今後はこの通りを拠点に、渋谷の奥まで人を吸い込む力が一層強まっていくのではないでしょうか。

According to the various changes, supple move town Shibuya

Q. Looking back at Shibuya of the last 10 years, do you have any thoughts?

SHIBUYA109 © Shibuya Keizai Shimbun to lead the Shibuya gal Culture

In retrospect the movement of the urban area of ​​the past 10 years, I think that it can be considered that it is "Tokyo Midtown" and "Roppongi Hills" 10 years of development has progressed in the construction, such as urban areas. In that part, Shibuya was not a big change in a good way. Maybe, I think we did not change most in the inner city. In the other hand Shibuya, such as the promotion of the 109 and the scramble intersection mentioned up to now, went the differentiation of soft surface. Among the other town to perform the transmission of information that rely on hard, it is that it still is Shibuya continue to have an outgoing force, it is still Shibuya of underlying strength.

Q. next year, Shibuya How do you continue to change?

Shibuya Station east exit area © is expected to continue to change significantly the future Shibuya Keizai Shimbun

In terms of hardware, the area of the east exit will be significantly changed by the mutual direct operation of Toyoko Line and FUKU-TOSHIN LINE 2012. Until now, Shibuya has been moving around the West Exit. I am very interested in how people's pacificness changes in the movement that the east exit is activated and cooperates with the Aoyama area. At the same time, I am also concerned about what happens to the current TOKYU TOYOKO LINE Shibuya Station. I think the next 10 years will be 10 years of construction work. There is no prediction on the soft side at all. For example, what kind of differentiation does it lead to as the gal culture breaks up and changes? I can not just imagine, but Shibuya has the power to move the city quite flexibly in response to such changes, so I imagined that it would be a place of sending information in the form of something in the times I want to do it.

Cooperation:Shibuya Keizai Shimbun

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